2025. március 18., kedd

Passive 2.



Present Cont. Passive


2025. február 13., csütörtök

2025. február 10., hétfő

A banán esete az igeidőkkel

Present Perfect Continuous Tense
He has been eating a banana for 5 minutes.
Már öt perce banánt eszik.
He has been eating a banana since 8 o’clock this morning.
Reggel 8 óra óta banánt eszik.
GO - He has been going to school for 10 minutes.
TAKE- He's been taking the bus since 8.

Present Perfect Tense
Have you eaten the banana yet? Megetted már a banánt?
I have already eaten the banana. Már megettem a banánt.
I haven’t eaten the banana yet. Még nem ettem meg a banánt.
Drink - She has already drunk the water.
Do - Have you done your homework yet?

2025. január 29., szerda


slang (also I'mma, Ima, I'ma, Imma)

short form of I'm going to, 
used for saying what you intend to do: Imma let you finish.