2013. március 23., szombat

Reading + chat

Felnőtteknek, gyakorlóknak, haladóknak, felejtőknek, újrakezdőknek:


És ugye Egon:

Beszélgess Egonnal angolul!

Angolul csetelhetsz Egonnal, ezzel a kis kedves sárkánnyal. Jó dumája van! Nem kell hozzá túl sokat tudnod, a kevés angoltudást is értékeli. És nem húzza alá pirossal a hibáidat!
Próbáld ki!

Csetelek vele

Angol párbeszédek

Angol párbeszédek

Papír vagy nem papír, ez itt a kérdés

Vizsgázunk. Vizsgázgatunk. Vizsgázni szeretnénk.Vizsgázni kéne. Hú, vizsga...  De hol? Melyiket? Mikor, hogy ne csússzak ki a határidőből?

Régen, az olcsón elérhető, szótárhasználatot engedő (bár idő az nemigen jutott rá...) állami vizsgák (ITK Origo (Rigó), BME, stb..)  vitték angolból a prímet. Még a kivételek kivételeit is tudni kellett nyelvtanból és a fordítás magyarról angolra, a teszt, az angol szöveg átültetése magyarra, mind-mind külön agyat kíván. Sőt. Az utóbbi stílust is. Magyarosan megfogalmazni egy angol szöveget... és rendesen tudni az angol proverbeket, idiomákat, phrasal verb-eket, van akinek nagyon megy, de az biztos, hogy egy külön képesség, maradjunk ennyiben.

Jó hír, hogy ez a képesség független a nyelvkészségtől és fejleszthető!
Melyik megy könnyebben? Elemezni vagy verset tanulni?
Végül is eldönthetjük műfordítók vagy tolmácsok lennénk-e szívesebben...

Valahol mindig fontos a cél. A belső motiváció az önálló tanuláshoz és a külső segítség keresése, ha a rendszerezés nehezen megy vagy tanulási nehézségek adódnak.  Jó az, ha az ember felismeri, értem, megy is, de...a passzív tudás (tesztek, választások) sajnos csak az első fokozat.

Gyakorlatba beültetni, alkalmazni megtanulni több időt igényelhet, mint gondolnád! Az aktív tudás megszerzése szeretetet, szenvedélyt, szorgalmat kíván!

  1. Érdemes átgondolni, miért is tanulunk angolt? Ugyanis valahol ketté kell választani a nyelvtanulást:  komplex nyelvvizsgára van szükséged, mert kell a munkához, a felvételihez, VAGY túlélő nyelvtudás, az élethez. Nagyon nem mindegy. Hiába nézünk sorozatokat angol nyelven, felirattal, s igen, hasznos, de a nyelvvizsgához nem feltétlenül ez kell.
  2. Manapság kell a nyelvvizsga (középfok- B2, felsőfok - C1) a diplomához. S lassan eljön az idő, mikor kell a nyelvvizsga a felvételihez.
 Nyelvvizsgázni, érettségizni kell, érdemes, szükséges, jó. Ha nem használod a megszerzett tudást, akkor viszont könnyen elfelejtődhet!

A munkahelyeken már nemcsak a papír kell, hanem az élő, életképes, beszélő, problémamegoldó nyelvtudást!Tehát van még dolgod a papír megszerzése után is! Ismétlés a tudás anyukája...


Vizsgákról helyi iskolák vagy vizsgák típusa szerint érdemes infót gyűjteni.

Kis dolgokban, pontozásban, feladattípusokban eltérhetnek, de azonos képességet és tudástárt, nyelvi bázist és szókészletet igényelnek. Képleírás, levélírás vagy fogalmazás, (esetleg tömörítés), képleírás, összehasonlítás, szövegkiegészítés, mondatkészítés, magnóhallgatás, hallott szöveg értése, írott szöveg értése, témakifejtés szóban, szituációkban mindegyikben van.

 De nem bonyolult, hisz csak a nyelvtan van és a szavak. :-))

 Ha rászánod az időd, az energiád, ez fialni fog. Munkát, kenyeret, életérzést, önbecsülést.


Jönnek az önálló tanulást segítő anyagok:

Online könyvek:

Tök mindegy hogyan, mit olvasgatsz, csak olvasgass. Tanulgass. Nézz, keress, láss.

Hallgasd, olvasd, mondjad vele, írj,

 Napi 15 perc. Írd ki magadnak füzetbe, kis kártyára, ami érdekes. Csinálgass témakörönként 10-15 mondatos kis emlékeztetőket a szóbeli témakörökből. Ha filmet nézel angolul, válassz angol feliratot. Majd később magyart.

TE milyen módszert találtál arra, hogy napi kapcsolatban maradj a nyelvvel?

Tests that teach 1-6


1. As he was watching her leave, tears ... down his face.
(A) were flown
(B) have been flowing
(C) flowed
(D) were flowing


1. Mother lets ... TV, but father doesn't.
(A) that I watch
(B) me to watch
(C) me watch
(D) my watching

2. Excuse me for making you ... these silly sentences.
(A) to write
(B) write
(C) writing
(D) written

Obesity weighs

Angol emelt érettségi, nyelvhelyesség: Obesity weighs

• You are going to read an article about obesity. Some words are missing from the text.
• Use the words in brackets to form the words that fit in the gaps (1-10).
• Then write the appropriate form of these words on the lines after the text.
• There might be cases when you do not have to change the word in brackets.
• Use only one word for each gap.

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – The obesity … (1. epidemy) has taken hold in many developing countries, new research finds, with the burden weighing almost entirely on the nations’ wealthy. Meanwhile, poor people within the same borders still can’t put on enough pounds.

Buckingham Palace

Angol emelt szint, szövegértés: Buckingham Palace

  • Read this article about the British royal family’s Facebook page and then read the half sentences that follow the text.
  • Your task is to match the half sentences based on the information in the article.
  • Write the letters (A-I) in the white boxes next to the numbers (1-9).
  • Remember that there are two extra letters that you will not need.

Buckingham Palace has been forced to remove dozens of anti-monarchist comments from the Queen’s Facebook page after its launch was met with a stream of republican abuse.

What Your Looks Say About Your Health

By Karen Pallarito, Health

Good health often is reflected in an attractive, youthful appearance.
So you might be tempted to blame aging and stress for facial lines, unsightly fingernails, or hair loss when, in fact, these flaws can signal underlying health issues, says integrative medicine specialist Molly M. Roberts, MD, of the Institute for Health & Healing, in San Francisco, and president of the American Holistic Medical Association.
"It'll start by whispering, then it'll start talking, and, if you don't pay attention, it'll start yelling and shouting, and then you've got an illness,” she says.
Here are 13 physical signs that trouble may be lurking beneath the skin's surface.

Brain games

Challenging the Brain
Challenge your brain.
Many people use games like Sudoku to sharpen their minds. Evidence suggests, though, that maximizing brain health requires a comprehensive set of exercises.
A simple, convenient training program

Inner qualities

Inner qualities

Néhány jól használható melléknév, belső tulajdonságok:
I'm said to be... it's worth being ...:

enthusiastic - keen, soulful, zealous
flexible - adaptable
modest - humble, moderate
reliable - responsible, solid, straight, loyal
honest - frank, straight, fair
(self-)conscious - assertive
patient - permissive, tolerant
helpful - unselfish
persistent - continuing without change in function
purposive - relating to, having, or indicating conscious intention, act advisedly
smart - have excellence and commitment
devoted - have commitment
witty - have a good sence of humor
sociable - outgoing, friendly, nice, kind, talkative, sensitive about peolple's problem
considerate - thoughtful
openminded - fairminded, liberal, objective, opened
sensible - smart, reasonable, sensitive
sensitive - touchy

How to Be Patient

Learning to be patient will make the clocks seem to move much faster than if you are constantly staring at it.
Learning to be patient will make the clocks seem to move much faster than if you are constantly staring at it.

It has never been easy to be patient, but it's probably harder now than at any time in history. In a world where messages and information can be sent across the world instantly, everything is available with only a few clicks of the mouse. Fortunately, patience is a virtue that can be cultivated and nurtured over time. You will be pleasantly surprised by how relaxation and peace of mind can impact the quality of your life.

Beszédfordulatok - expect

You'd better - You had better ----> You should,

I'd rather - I would rather ----> I should, I need, I prefer

Mindegyikünk elfogadta a helyzetet, kivéve Jane-t, aki többet várt.

Képek youtube-ról.

Oral topics 1.

Sport and environment

Sport is intimately connected to nature. A healthy environment is necessary for healthy sport. For many athletes, it is this intimacy with nature that motivates and inspires them. Sports facilities, events, activities and the manufacture of sporting goods have an impact on the environment. Energy consumption, air pollution, emissions of greenhouse gases and ozone-depleting substances, waste disposal, wastes use and impacts on biological diversity are all issues for the sporting world to address.

Oral topics 2.

U.S. goal:
Fuel cell cars for masses in 2020
Energy department, industry formalize partnership

MSNBC staff and news service reports
Updated: 1:31 p.m. ET March 31, 2005

WASHINGTON - Fuel cell cars for the rest of us starting in 2020? That's the goal that the Bush administration emphasized as it formalized "learning demonstration teams" with carmakers and energy companies.
Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman spelled out the team members at an industry conference on Wednesday.

11 job search tips for 2011

By Kaitlin Madden, CareerBuilder Writer

It's 2011 and it's time to take control of your job search. This year, it's no longer up to companies to hire you, it's up to you to get hired. Forget about how the economy is doing. Reflect on last year if you must, but then forget about that, too. This year, your focus will be on finding the right job for you and doing everything you can to be the best candidate for that job. The competition may still be tough, but here's how to turn the tables in your favor.
1. Narrow your search. Stop applying to jobs that you're not qualified for or don't really want. It's a waste of time. Be honest with yourself when evaluating job postings. If you had to start the job tomorrow, do you have all the skills you'd need to succeed? Or are there areas of the job description that you don't have experience in? While it's always great to be willing to learn, most companies want to hire someone who can jump right in and get started without being trained from scratch. Focus your time on creating great applications for jobs you are well-qualified for instead.

what school didn't teach you about work

What They Should Have Taught You in School
Professional skills you wish you had learned
By Anthony Balderrama, CareerBuilder.com writer

Not everybody approaches education with the same goal. High school and higher education serve different purposes for each student. For some pupils, school is a direct path to a job. For others, it is a chance to learn for the sake of personal growth. Visit any classroom and you'll encounter students with a variety of goals for their education.

20 Hilarious School Exam Answers

Published by djmick on October 9th, 2009
school exams
The following questions were set in last year’s GCSE examination in England.
These are genuine answers from 16 year olds, not very bright, but entertaining, 16 year olds. ;-)
Q. Name the four seasons
A. Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar
Q. Explain one of the processes by which water can be made safe to drink
A. Flirtation makes water safe to drink because it removes large pollutants like grit, sand, dead sheep and canoeists
Q. How is dew formed
A. The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire

What are these ingredients for?

Let’s Play a Guessing Game With Ikea’s Flat-Out Gorgeous Baking Book

A: What are these the ingredients for?
A: What are these the ingredients for?Photo: Courtesy Carl Kleiner and Ikea
Everyone's favorite homewares purveyor Ikea has just published a collection of baking recipes called Hembakat är Bäst (Homemade Is Best). Sure, knowing how to make Princess Cake is fine and dandy, but the volume is illustrated with some of the most inventive cookbook photography we've ever seen: Styled by Evelina Bratell and photographed by Carl Kleiner, the pristine arrangements of ingredients are so stark and geometric that they verge on the abstract. The good news is that the book is completely free; the bad news is that the only place you can get it is in the kitchen section of Ikea stores — in Sweden. Read on for more of Kleiner's stunning images, and see if you can guess what the recipes are for. (Answers are at the very end of the post.)
B. Whatever it is, it involves orange peel.Courtesy Carl Kleiner and Ikea

C. Sprinkles!Courtesy Carl Kleiner and Ikea

D. Something green?Courtesy Carl Kleiner and Ikea

A: Mandelmussla, almond shortbread topped with lingonberries.
B: Lingonpeparkaka, gingersnap cookies with lingonberries.
C: Vaniljhorn, crescent-shaped shortbread cookies.
D: Prinsesstårta, or Princess Cake, sponge cake with a green marzipan covering.



Part I.
1. Íme egy kis történet egy utazásról. Különösen figyelj a kiemelt szavakra, velük lesz még késõbb dolgod.
My best friend, Samuel and me have been bitten by the travel bug, so we decided to go to Italy during the summer. Sam suggested going by car, but I tried to convince him that travelling by train, or plane is much more comfortable. Besides, I know he drives at beakneck speed and I'm often carsick, so I told him I would rather go on foot, but not in his car! Anyway, we set off on a warm summer morning and saw lovely towns, little picturesque villages, all the beauty spots in Italy, I must say, including the mountains. I can hardly find words to describe the view from the peak; breathtaking, magnificient or maybe stunning? Well, I did in fact find some words in the end! It was a really scenic journey. It was the first time I had ever been abroad and I really enjoyed every minute of it. Interestingly enough, I was not at all carsick. Yes, as you may have guessed, he convinced me to go in his car and I finaly gave in.

Choose one

Which sentence is correct?
  1. They should being there by now.
  2. They should to be there by now.
  3. They should be there by now.
  4. They should have be there by now.
Which sentence is correct?
  1. What are you do?
  2. What will do you do?.
  3. What are you doing?
  4. What have you do?


The Spidron is a planar figure consisting of two alternating sequences of isosceles triangles which, once it is folded along the edges, exhibits extraordinary spatial properties.
The Spidron can be used to construct various space-filling polyhedra and reliefs, while its deformations render it suitable for the construction of finely adjustable dynamic structures.


Most Fascinating Natural Phenomena

Most Fascinating Natural Phenomena

Aurora Borealis

Undoubtedly one of the most beautiful events to occur in our world, the Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights, has both astounded and amazed people since it was first discovered. This phenomenon ocurrs when the sun gives off high-energy charged particles (also called ions) that travel out into space at speeds of 300 to 1200 kilometres per second. A cloud of such particles is called a plasma. The stream of plasma coming from the sun is known as the solar wind. As the solar wind interacts with the edge of the earth’s magnetic field, some of the particles are trapped by it and they follow the lines of magnetic force down into the ionosphere, the section of the earth’s atmosphere that extends from about 60 to 600 kilometers above the earth’s surface. When the particles collide with the gases in the ionosphere they start to glow, producing the spectacle that we know as the auroras, northern and southern.

Sand animation

A művészetével méltán világhírnevet szerzett Cakó Ferenc animációs filmrendező élő homokanimációval illusztrál dalokat a kivetítőn, ami Herczeg György rendezésében időnként a színpadi videófelvételekkel együtt alkot egységes képet.


Sand animation - Ferenc Cakó Vivaldi: Four Seasons Autumn conductor: Lamberto Gardelli

Ilana Yahav is a world renowned sandanimation artist.
Using only her fingers, Ilana draws with sand on a glass table.
Inspired by the Hungarian artist; Ferenc Cakó. She's an amazing sand-artist! I made this for a (big) school-project, hope you like it. Music: Heartbeats - Jose Gonzalez



Érdekesen nézhetjük meg, miről is beszélünk ebben a blogban. A legszebb az a dologban, hogy a kedvenc weboldalaitokat, akár a személyes honlapotokat, vagy bármelyik blogot is meg lehet nézni, mit rajzol róla egy ingyenes webes program. Választhattok szavakat is, amiket aztán gyakoriság szerint nagyít, kicsinyít, csoportosít.
Klikk ide a saját oldalak elemzéséhez.

Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends.
Create your own.


The colours of infinity - fractals

The Colours of Infinity: The Beauty, The Power and the Sense of Fractals (Paperback)

by Nigel Lesmoir-Gordon (Author) "Fractals are more than just stunning visual effects - they open up new ways to model nature and allow us to quantify terms like 'irregular',..."

by Nigel Lesmoir-Gordon (Author) "Fractals are more than just stunning visual effects - they open up new ways to model nature and allow us to quantify terms like 'irregular',..."

Product Description
Benoit Mandelbrot discovered what is now called the M-Set in the early seventies and coined the term fractal to describe the geometry behind it. The power and the beauty of fractals were only capable of being seen with the advent of computers, which become psychedelic windows on the infinite when using simple fractal equations. In 1992 Nigel Lesmoir-Gordon made the TV documentary, The Colors of Infinity about the Mandelbrot Set and fractals, which has since been seen right round the world. Nigel s enthusiasm brought together a dream team of contributors for the film who all now contribute to the book tracking how fractals have developed since the film was made. Sir Arthur C Clarke presented the film and in the book gives a lucidly simple account of the mathematics of the M-Set. Benoit Mandelbrot, the Belgian mathematician explains how it began. Professor Michael Barnsley, the computer graphics researcher who developed fractal image compression technology, explains the applications of the breakthroughs. Professor Ian Stewart, author of Does God Play Dice? adds his insights into the beautifully simple equation that gives birth to fractals. Two of the most interesting applications of fractal geometry, reflected by the two new contributors to the book, are to the Internet and to the Stock Market. Dr Gary Flake, Chief Technology Officer at Overture, the leading provider of commercial search on the Internet and just taken over by Yahoo for 1.6 billion dollars, discusses the profoundly fractal nature of the Web in his article: The Self-ish Web. Robert Prechter Jr is President of Elliott Wave International, Inc. and founder of the Socionomics Institute. His latest title is Socionomics: The Science of History and Social Prediction (2003). He writes about how fractals can help us understand the oscillations of stock markets. In the back of the book is a DVD of the original documentary with soundtrack by David Gilmour of Pink Floyd PLUS a 30-minute fractal animation to the music of members of Quintessence.

About the Author
Nigel Lesmoir-Gordon has published poems and short stories in the UK, the US, and France. He formed his first film production company in 1976, and worked for Donovan, Pink Floyd, 10cc, Joe Cocker, Wings, and Leo Sayer. Gordon Films UK was formed in 1995 to produce the award-winning television documentary "The Colours of Infinity". His first book was "Introducing Fractal Geometry".

maths in nature

Maths in Nature
(Image: Darren Osborne) Pi

Any circle, even the disc of the Sun as viewed from Cappadoccia, central Turkey during the 2006 total eclipse, holds that perfect relationship where the circumference divided by the diameter equals pi. First devised (inaccurately) by the Egyptians and Babylonians, the infinite decimal places of pi (approximately 3.1415926...) have been calculated to billions of decimal places.


Conditional Final Test

All Conditional Forms

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate conditional form, then click the "Check" button to check your answers.
1. (If / When) I leave work, I usually go to the fitness center to work out.

2. She hates TV. She thinks television is a waste of time. (If / When) she watches any television at all, it is usually a documentary or a news program.

3. My friend always keeps in touch by mail. (If / When) I get a letter, I usually write back immediately.

4. If I (have) enough money, I (go) on safari to Kenya. However, my bank account is empty!

5. I love to travel! When I (have) enough money, I (go) abroad. I do it almost every year.

6. I really wanted to go on safari to Kenya with my friends, but I couldn't afford to go. If I (have) enough money, I (go) with them.

7. I'm sorry, I didn't know you were allergic to chocolate. If I (know) , I (make) you a vanilla birthday cake.

8. Stop asking me what Amanda bought you for Christmas. Even if I (know) what she bought you, I (tell, not) you.

9. Nobody here speaks English. Too bad Gloria isn't here. If she (be) with us, she (can) act as our interpreter.

10. I am afraid I won't be able to come to your wedding next week because my company is sending me to New York to attend a trade show. I (miss, never) your wedding if I (have) a choice in the matter.

11. If the weather is nice tomorrow, she (walk) along the river to school.

12. If you help me move tomorrow, I (treat) you to a dinner and a movie.

13. If you were to help me move tomorrow, I (treat) you to a dinner and a movie.

14. If I were in Tahiti right now, I (snorkel) along a beautiful reef. I wouldn't be stuck here in this office with mountains of paperwork.

15. If Jerry hadn't stopped to pick up that quarter, he (cross) the street when the bus ran the red light. He might have been killed!

16. Tina's train arrived ahead of schedule. If I hadn't decided to go to the train station early, she (wait) there for more than twenty minutes before I arrived.

17. If I (pass) the test, I (get) an "A" in the class. Instead, I got a "C." I really should have studied more.

18. If I (be) rich, I (buy) that new Mercedes we saw yesterday. Unfortunately, I can't even afford a used car.

19. We (go) skiing this weekend, but there's no snow. Oh, well! We will just have to find something else to do instead.

20. If Heather spoke Chinese, she (translate) the email for you yesterday.

Phrasal verbs

What are phrasal verbs?
1.  A phrasal verb is a verb plus a preposition or adverb which creates a meaning different from the original verb.
I ran into my teacher at the movies last night. run + into = meet
He ran away when he was 15. run + away = leave home

2. Some phrasal verbs are intransitive. An intransitive verb cannot be followed by an object.
He suddenly showed up. "show up" cannot take an object

3. Some phrasal verbs are transitive. A transitive verb can be followed by an object.
I made up the story. "story" is the object of "make up"

4. Some transitive phrasal verbs are separable. The object is placed between the verb and the preposition. In this Phrasal Verb Dictionary, separable phrasal verbs are marked by placing a * between the verb and the preposition / adverb.
I talked my mother into letting me borrow the car.
She looked the phone number up.

5. Some transitive phrasal verbs are inseparable. The object is placed after the preposition. In this Phrasal Verb Dictionary, inseparable phrasal verbs are marked by placing a + after the preposition / adverb.
I ran into an old friend yesterday.
They are looking into the problem.

6. Some transitive phrasal verbs can take an object in both places. In this Phrasal Verb Dictionary, such phrasal verbs are marked with both * and + .
I looked the number up in the phone book.
I looked up the number in the phone book.

7. WARNING! Although many phrasal verbs can take an object in both places, you must put the object between the verb and the preposition if the object is a pronoun.
I looked the number up in the phone book.
I looked up the number in the phone book.
I looked it up in the phone book. correct
I looked up it in the phone book. incorrect

Also try our Verb + Preposition Dictionary to look up standard verb + prepostion combinations.

Crazy :-))

Angol gyorstalpaló nyelvtanfolyam középhaladóknak !

Ha kólát akarsz megrendelni, akkor mondd : gimi ökÓk
Ha kávét és süteményt akarsz, akkor : kOfi end dÓnat
Ha fáj valamid, akkor : FAK
Ha az üzletben látsz valami nagyon drágát, akkor : FAK
Ha valaki megtámad téged, akkor : FAK
Ha látsz egy szép lányt az utcán, akkor : VATA FAK (térdelj le és szeress)

Ha valaki azt mondja neked, hogy \" FAK \" , erre a megfelelő válasz : fAkju  tÚ
Ha elveszted a dokumentumokat, akkor : áj lOszt máj fAking pÉJpörsz
Ha keresel egy taxit, akkor : hAu tu gEt ö fAking kEb

Ha valami nem működik : FAK DET SIT
Ha valaki idegesít téged, akkor : Árjú fAkin vid mí ?

Ha ez nem elég, akkor : vatdö fAk jú wAnt ?
Zöldségesnél : GIMI E KILÓ FAKIN EJPLSZ, MADAFAKA ! (Kérek egy kilót abból a szép almából !)
Mikor kérik a jegyet ellenőrzésre : ÁR JÚ FAKING KRÉJZI ESZHÓL ? (Természetesen, tessék, itt van!)
Amikor valami rossz történik : OU SIT, FAK FAK FAK FAK FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK ! (Azt a mindenit !)

Amikor egy hajléktalan pénzt kér tőled : GET DA FAK AUT OF HÍR BIFÓR ÁJL KIK JÚ MADÖFAKING SIT ESZ. ( Bocsánat de sajnos nincs apróm.)

-Stephen King, The Body

"A legfontosabb dolgokat a legnehezebb elmondani. Ha ezekről beszélsz, nevetségesnek érzed magad, hiszen szavakba öntve összezsugorodnak - amíg a fejedben vannak, határtalannak tűnnek, de kimondva jelentéktelenné válnak. Ám azt hiszem, többről van itt szó. A legfontosabb dolgok túl közel lapulnak ahhoz a helyhez, ahol a lelked legféltettebb titkai vannak eltemetve, irányjelzőként vezetnek a kincshez, amit az ellenségeid oly szívesen lopnának el. Ha mégis megpróbálsz beszélni róluk, a hallgatóságtól csak furcsálló tekinteteket kapsz cserébe, egyáltalán nem értenek meg, nem értik, miért olyan fontos ez neked, hogy közben majdnem sírva fakadsz. És szerintem ez a legrosszabb. Amikor a titok nem miattad marad titok, hanem mert nincs, aki megértsen."

Stephen King

"The most important things are the hardest things to say. by joy_sale.
"... They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish them - words shrink things that seemed limitless when they were in your head to no more than living size when they're brought out. But it's more than that, isn't it? The most important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried, like landmarks to a treasure your enemies would love to steal away. And you may make revelations that cost you dearly only to have people look at you in a funny way, not understanding what you've said at all, or why you thought it was so important that you almost cried while you were saying it. That's the worst, I think. When the secret stays locked within not for want of a teller, but for want of an understanding ear."
-Stephen King, The Body
még : http://thinkexist.com/quotation/the_most_important_things_are_the_hardest_to_say/165386.html

Linking words


about to do something - éppen készült vmit csinálni
- on the point of doing something
She was about to leave when the phone rang.
about time - lassan ideje, hogy
- something that should have happened earlier
It is about time that you returned that book to me.

absent-minded - szórakozott
- forgetful
My grandfather is very absent-minded and often forgets his key.

(not) add up - nem álltak össze (pl. tények történetté)
- seem consistent or reasonable
The things that he said about his boss don`t really add up.

after all - végül is
- in spite of everything
You mustn't be angry with him. After all, he's your best friend.

ahead of time - korábban a tervezettnél
- early
We started the meeting ahead of time so we could go home early.

ahead of one's time - megelõzi a korát
- know more than the people of that age
Edison was ahead of his time.

air one`s dirty laundry (linen) in public - kiteregeti a szennyest
- make public something embarrassing that should be kept secret
The dinner party became uncomfortable when the host began to air his colleagues dirty laundry in public.

all along - egész végig
- all the time
I knew all along that he would not get the promotion.

all at once - hirtelen
- suddenly, without warning
All at once the fire alarm rang so we had to leave the building.

all but - majdnemhogy; csak éppen nem
nearly almost
He was really rude and aggressive; h eall but asked me to leave.
All day and every day - éjt nappallá téve;egész nap
-continuously; without a break
He's been working all day every day to be done with that project on time.
all day long - egész nap
- the whole day
She has been sitting and waiting for the mail to arrive all day long.

all ears - csupa fül
- eager to listen to someone
Okay, I`m all ears, please tell me about the party.

(be) all Greek to sb - kínaiul van neki
-can't understand sth
He kept talking about interest rates and savings, but it was all Greek to me.
all in all - összességében
- in summary, after considering everything
We had a few problems but all in all the meeting was successful.

all of a sudden - hirtelen
- suddenly, without advance warning
All of a sudden it became cloudy and began to rain.

(be someone) all over - ez õ; teljesen jellemzõ rá
-typical of someone
He didn't come on time and didn't even call he'd be late. Now that's Ann all over!
all over the place - mindenhol; szétszórva mindenfelé
There were books all over the place
all right - rendben
- okay, satisfactory
She said that it would be all right for me to bring my friend to the party.

(be) all the same to sb - teljesen mindegy vkinek
-it doesn't matter to sb
'Shall I come on Tuesday or on Friday?' 'Well, it's all the same to me. Come whenever you can.'
all the time - folyamatosan; egész végig
- continually
She asks for money all the time but I don`t like to give it to her.

all thumbs - kétbalkezes, ügyetlen
- have difficulty fixing things or working with one`s hands, clumsy
He is all thumbs when it comes to fixing things around the house.

apple of one`s eye - kedvenc (emberre!); vkinek a szíve csücske
- one`s favorite
His youngest daughter is the apple of his eye.

as a rule - általában
- usually, as a habit
As a rule I usually get up at 7:00 AM every morning.

as far as - már amennyire
- to the extent or degree that
As far as I know he will be here in a few minutes.

as long as - feltéve, hogy
- provided that, on condition that
As long as you promise to be careful you can borrow my car.

as the crow flies - nyílegyenesen
- by the most direct way, along a straight line between two places
As the crow flies it is about 6 kilometers between my house and my company.

as usual - mint általában
- most of the time, as is the custom
As usual, she forgot to bring her book to class.

as well as - valamint
- in addition to
Please bring your swimming suit as well as your towell.

as yet - mindeddig
- until now, up to the present
As yet, she has not told me about her plans to leave the company.

ask for trouble - kihívja a sorsot maga ellen
- behave in a way that trouble is likely
He is asking for trouble if he misses another class.
at cross purposes - más az érdekük
- have opposite ways to do something, opposing goals
They are at cross purposes and are always arguing about what to do.

at fault - hibás
- be responsible or to blame for something
The truck driver was at fault in the terrible accident.

at first - elõször
- at the beginning
At first she didn`t want to go to a movie but later she changed her mind.

at first blush - elsõ ránézésre
- when first seen, without careful study
At first blush he seemed like a good worker but later we had many problems with him.

at heart - a szíve mélyén
- basically, fundamentally
She is a very nice person at heart although many people dislike her.

at home - otthon
- in one`s house
I`m sorry but I left my money at home. Can you lend me some money?

at last - végre
- finally, after a long time
I was waiting all morning for her call but at last it came.

at loggerheads - veszekedni
- having a quarrel, opposing each other
We have been at loggerheads over their plans to build a new office complex.

at odds - nem értenek egyet
- in disagreement
He has been at odds with his boss over the new sales territory.

attend to someone - ellátni vkit
- take care or deal with someone
The doctor attended to the other patient before he got to my mother.


Who is the tallest?



Is it a face or the word 'liar'?

Can you...?

It's boring - I'm bored