New Years' Eve Play : Begin your story at the end... backwards
Just for fun?!
1. Story reverse - Change your mind! - If you are honest to yourself, you can change your life, because you are able to see the causes, the reason, the relations, and renew yourself. Find your own way and free yourself. Listen to your intuitions and recognize your goals, your steps to reach them and get rid of the people, who wants to get you down and let you down.
2. How to spot a liar: get them to tell their story backwards
2015. december 31., csütörtök
2015. december 25., péntek
Discover Your Life Purpose By Asking These 11 Questions

Sometimes finding
your potential isn't about scaling a mountain, spending a year in
meditation, or spending 25 years in school. Sometimes it's about looking
within, deep within, to find out how to manifest your destiny. These
are some good questions to ask yourself when starting that journey.
What gives me strength?
What is it that fills you with energy? What motivates you beyond anything else?What truly excites me?
What is it in life that truly sets you ablaze? What are you most passionate about?What kind of shower ideas do I get?
Write them down. Seriously.What do people consider me the expert on?
What kinds of things do people often consult with me about?What are my conversations like with people close to me?
What subject do we most often find ourselves on?What do I do with my spare time?
The answer will tell you a lot about priorities.What do I enjoy reading about?
This could help you hone in on interests.What are my recurring dreams like?
What are they about?What makes me feel most alive?
Are there any specific experiences that made you feel alive more than others?What abilities did I have as a child?
Is it worth putting time into now as an adult?What would I do if money wasn't an object?
This is the most important question of all.
2015. december 21., hétfő
'Out of the box' thinking
Drawing Brain Teaser Puzzle (with Solution)
(File Size: 0.1MB) This brain teaser puzzle for kids and teens is plain 'sneaky'! We've all had a go at those 'try drawing this shape' puzzles before but this one immediately appears to be impossible. There is a solution to this brain teaser of course but it involves some considerable 'outside the box' thinking ...... and around the other side of the paper too! |
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