interviewing for a great position at a fantastic practice or
institution. Your suit is perfectly pressed. You brought plenty of
copies of your stellar CV. You gave insightful responses to the
interviewer’s questions.
2016. december 26., hétfő
2016. december 9., péntek
2016. november 27., vasárnap
2016. november 25., péntek
Stressless - less stress - Mindfulness
"Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present." -
Bil Keane
According to Harvard, mindfulness also:
Bil Keane
According to Harvard, mindfulness also:
- relieves stress;
- relieves depression;
- relieves anxiety;
- lowers blood pressure;
- improve chronic pain
- improve sleep;
- improves capacity to deal with stress;
- improves ability to form deeper connections with others.
2016. november 22., kedd
how to be happy
"üldözz" elérhető célokat |
Mosolyod legyen őszinte és hiteles |
how to be happy,
2016. november 8., kedd
2016. november 5., szombat
People Who Achieve What They Want In Life
People Who Achieve What They Want In Life Have These Two Qualities In Common
You can achieve whatever you want, as long as you are willing to pay the price.”~Elvin Semrad2016. október 25., kedd
2016. október 17., hétfő
How to stop being tired and start living

Don’t we all need to re-energize ourselves once in a while?
For that very reason, the Bright Side team wants to share this article on how to be a real achiever.
Oh no! You are tired again! Feelin’ lazy? Got no motivation to work?
Well, how about a cup of coffee and a chocolate bar? Still no progress?
You can’t relax? Get a drink, have a smoke, or go check the fridge — there should be something to cheer you up in there!
Those are some easy tips everyone loves referring to.
Yet applying them to real life doesn’t get you anywhere — you end up feeling like a squeezed lemon, braindead, and dog-tired. You are just lying on the couch, staring blankly at the TV screen. Exhausted. Dead tired. But you are not alone. Millions of people have exactly the same experience daily. A whole nation of tired people.
So what now? Are we doomed?
No, we aren’t. Personal energy management is here to help us. It’s not a fast solution, but it works. And this article will show you how.
2016. szeptember 19., hétfő
Managing your time
First of all some question:
What is important and urgent to do it?- DO it immediately -
How do you rank?
What does the high priority have?
What is important, but not urgent? - Delegate!
How and to whom do you delegate?
What is not important, but urgent?- Priorize! Use the Pareto rule!
What is not important and not urgent? - Timewasters - throw them away!
Clearly, you’ll need time management techniques superior to the everyday methods you mastered before your promotion. If you can develop them, you’ll maintain solid control over your own destiny; otherwise, you’ll find yourself swept aside as further success eludes you. Let’s look at ways you can avoid that fate.
Working too many hours is counterproductive. Studies reveal that a 60-hour workweek results, on average, in a 25% decrease in productivity. That’s because long hours lead to physical and mental fatigue, which results in slower work, more mistakes, and wasted time. The productivity numbers just get worse as the workweek lengthens. To add injury to insult, overwork may also lead to ill health: not only can you find yourself on a descending spiral of depression, those who work 11+ hours a day suffer two-thirds more heart attacks and strokes than their less-stressed colleagues.
Most salaried professionals find it difficult to complete their work in just 40 hours nowadays, but you will find it easier to manage your time if you feel well. So exercise regularly, eat right, get enough sleep, take breaks, and give yourself time off to recharge. Remember, life consists of more than work. Enjoy yourself and your loved ones while you can.
What is important and urgent to do it?- DO it immediately -
How do you rank?
What does the high priority have?
What is important, but not urgent? - Delegate!
How and to whom do you delegate?
What is not important, but urgent?- Priorize! Use the Pareto rule!
What is not important and not urgent? - Timewasters - throw them away!
Moving up
Laura Stack — №15 with Mårten Mickos The modern business environment demands exceptional leadership. When you reach the C-Suite level, the requirements become especially acute: You often have to juggle multiple large projects, while balancing competing stakeholder demands. This requires a high level of intelligence, energy, and discipline.Clearly, you’ll need time management techniques superior to the everyday methods you mastered before your promotion. If you can develop them, you’ll maintain solid control over your own destiny; otherwise, you’ll find yourself swept aside as further success eludes you. Let’s look at ways you can avoid that fate.
1. Don’t overdo it
It bears repeating something you already know: Working longer hours isn’t always the answer. You wouldn’t have your current position if you weren’t dedicated to the organization, so don’t try to outwork everyone in the office now. Get a handle on the strategic priorities in your organization and focus your efforts on those.Working too many hours is counterproductive. Studies reveal that a 60-hour workweek results, on average, in a 25% decrease in productivity. That’s because long hours lead to physical and mental fatigue, which results in slower work, more mistakes, and wasted time. The productivity numbers just get worse as the workweek lengthens. To add injury to insult, overwork may also lead to ill health: not only can you find yourself on a descending spiral of depression, those who work 11+ hours a day suffer two-thirds more heart attacks and strokes than their less-stressed colleagues.
Most salaried professionals find it difficult to complete their work in just 40 hours nowadays, but you will find it easier to manage your time if you feel well. So exercise regularly, eat right, get enough sleep, take breaks, and give yourself time off to recharge. Remember, life consists of more than work. Enjoy yourself and your loved ones while you can.
how to be productive,
time management
2016. augusztus 31., szerda
2016. augusztus 28., vasárnap
4 Types of Negative People You Need To Avoid
We have people who enter our lives for many reasons. Some become friends, lovers, or partners, while others help us throughout many obstacles. Then there are others who force us to ask, “What is this person teaching me and why is my patience being tested?” There are many types of people, but here are four personality types that you want to avoid. Their characteristics are exaggerated, annoying, pessimistic and toxic.
Here are 4 negative types of people you want to avoid:
Here are 4 negative types of people you want to avoid:
2016. augusztus 17., szerda
2016. augusztus 7., vasárnap
What Are Some Psychological Tricks for Mastering a Job Interview?
What are some psychological tips, tricks and techniques that I can use during a job interview that will increase my chances of getting an offer?
Answer below by Zambelli Sylar Federico, student and entrepreneur.
Mirror your interviewer's body language. This technique, known as "mirroring," is widely used in the psychological world as a means to gain an interlocutor's trust and make them feel at ease. Good salesmen often use it to increase their chances of closing.
By mirroring an interviewer's movements, tone, gestures, breathing pace and so on, you're basically communicating a message of, "Hey, we're playing the same tune here. We're akin. You can trust me."
Verbal language represents only about 7% of what we're actually communicating; the remaining 93% is up to your body and your tone — so prioritize how you speak rather than what you say.
Bear in mind:
Mirroring isn't parroting. It's not easy, and it's a skill that requires training.
Byron Katie Just Wants You to Be Happy
Stephan Spencer Internet Entrepreneur, Founder of Netconcepts
Byron Katie just wants you to be happy. She doesn’t know you, but she
believes she can help you find your happiness, and countless of her
fans and followers would agree. She also thinks that helping you find
happiness goes a long way in solving the myriad problems in the world.
She’s been on Oprah. Tony Robbins is a fan and incorporates her work
into his own teachings. Her methods are remarkably simple; she only asks
that you question your own thoughts and that you accept reality for
what it really is. You will wonder why you never thought of it.
2016. június 25., szombat
20 Inspiring Questions to Help You Find Your Dream And Change Your Life
Communication Motivationby Scott Christ
The answer is a complicated one, but here’s what we do know: High achievers think differently. They act differently. They do things differently.
To find your dream and start changing your life, the first step is to take the time to answer the following questions.
What beliefs do you carry that may be holding you back?
It takes guts to call yourself out and question beliefs that just don’t seem right. We’re all ingrained with a set of learned behaviors that may be holding us back. It’s okay to question them and seek a better way. That’s a true sign of growth.2016. június 23., csütörtök
6 Better Ways to Deal With Conflicts in Your Relationship
If you're angry, it's OK to show that you're angry.
Intimate relationships bring up intense feelings. Conflict with a partner can feel destabilizing, and make it difficult to be articulate and openly expressive. Many people try to avoid conflict through a variety of maneuvers—pretending to always agree, being aggressively stubborn so the other person is too afraid to speak up, or avoiding topics that could bring up disagreement.
There are always issues in romantic relationships that really get us going. These often relate to our childhood experiences with important others—experiences that were painful, and the emotions of which are stirred up when a similar situation occurs again.
Having someone recognize your deepest fears and offer reassurance can be extremely reparative. Using words to state what you believe the other person is saying can relieve their fear of being dismissed, left alone, or not taken seriously.
Being able to fight productively often brings a couple closer and strengthens their relationship; here are six ways to do this.
2016. június 19., vasárnap
Tehetség vagy kitartás?
Szerinted melyik fontosabb?
Being talented or tenacity
Bónusz magyarul:
24 Questions That Awaken The Real You
But… I had to risk it. I’d always wanted more than “normal”; better than “average”. I wanted to be successful. I really did. And these questions must’ve been popping into my head for a reason, with the most logical explanation being that I wanted an answer to them. When I really thought about it, I was desperate for an answer to these kinds of questions. I knew they’d set me free, because that’s what being honest does. You no longer hide from yourself. It can be a little painful at first, but what’s more painful: asking these questions of yourself now, or never asking them and risking never living the life you’ve always wanted to?
7 Powerful Questions to Help You Find Your Life Purpose
Do you know your life purpose? Many people earn a decent living, but would define success as much more than money. For many it is also about happiness, positive relationships and the ability to contribute to something you care about.
Here are 7 questions you should ask yourself if you are trying to discover your life purpose.
The One Question Steve Jobs Asked Himself Every Day
Steve Jobs, whom most of us know for his work at the helm of Apple, looked in the mirror every day of his working life and asked himself one question: “If today were the last day of your life, would you want to be doing what you’re doing?” Most of the time, his answer came back as a resounding yes, but for the average person, it probably varies. So passionate about his work was Jobs that he worked right up until the day before his death, despite suffering from pancreatic cancer.
Minda Zetlin discusses the benefits of asking ourselves this question each day in terms of how it can help us to discover whether or not we’re fulfilling our full potential and working in the careers we love. Asking this question can help us to cultivate a sense of purpose in our personal lives as well as our professional lives. Here are 6 questions that Steve Jobs’s daily exercise can challenge us to ask ourselves.
2016. június 3., péntek
Who are you really? Find yourself in this intriguing test
Our Bright Side team has already taken the test, and some of us were quite surprised by the results. See what you think.
kattints a képre:
2016. május 29., vasárnap
Bevezető szóbeli kérdések
Szóbeli nyelvvizsga kérdések
1. Where do you come from?
2. Tell me something about yourself what should I know about you.
3. Who do you take after. (hasonlít)
4. Choose one person from your family and introduce him or her.
5. How long does it take for you to come here, from ………………. ?
6. Tell me something about …………………..
7. Which one do you prefer: living in the countryside or living in a big city?
1. Where do you come from?
2. Tell me something about yourself what should I know about you.
3. Who do you take after. (hasonlít)
4. Choose one person from your family and introduce him or her.
5. How long does it take for you to come here, from ………………. ?
6. Tell me something about …………………..
7. Which one do you prefer: living in the countryside or living in a big city?
Writing letters
Letter Writing Basics
Friendly Letter Writing - Friendly Letter Format - Sample Friendly Letter
How to Write a Letter
Business Letter Writing with Samples
Writing a Complaint Letter - Sample Complaint Letter
Writing a Letter of Interest - Sample Letter of Interest
Cover Letter Writing - Sample Cover Letter
Writing an Apology Letter - Sample Apology Letter
Writing a Letter of Appeal - Sample Letter of Appeal
2016. május 28., szombat
4 Habits of Couples That Last
In a lasting relationship, couples demonstrate their love
by doing things every day to support each other. Although
a loving, committed couple can make a relationship look easy, it
actually takes a little bit of work.
Linda and Charlie Bloom, authors of Secrets of Great Marriages,
write about lasting couples that over time ‘the experience of
nurturing the relationship no longer feels like effort or work, but
literally becomes a labor of love that feels more like a gift, a
joyful opportunity for which we feel grateful and blessed.’2016. május 24., kedd
18 Signs of High Emotional Intelligence
Travis Bradberry, Guest
Waking Times
“Emotional intelligence is the “something” in each of us that is a bit intangible. It affects how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities, and make personal decisions to achieve positive results.”
When emotional intelligence (EQ) first appeared to the masses, it served as the missing link in a peculiar finding: people with average IQs outperform those with the highest IQs 70 per cent of the time. This anomaly threw a massive wrench into the broadly held assumption that IQ was the sole source of success.
2016. május 8., vasárnap
Personal Capacity Analysis (PCA)
Kell rá 1 nyugodt óra, őszinteség és egy jó angol szótár
Personal Capacity Analysis (PCA)
What are your strong and weak points in life?
This test will reveal why you succeed in some areas of life and maybe fail in others. Your personality is the determining factor. This test will give you a profile of yourself based on your answers to 210 questions. You can do this online test free of charge and without fear of that the results are stored anywhere. Should you decide that you want improvement, feel free to contact a Freezone practitioner for assistance. The practitioner can help you overcome any possible undesired traits and conditions.
This test will reveal why you succeed in some areas of life and maybe fail in others. Your personality is the determining factor. This test will give you a profile of yourself based on your answers to 210 questions. You can do this online test free of charge and without fear of that the results are stored anywhere. Should you decide that you want improvement, feel free to contact a Freezone practitioner for assistance. The practitioner can help you overcome any possible undesired traits and conditions.
The Test
The PCA test is done by filling in a questionnaire online. You have to select answers from a multiple choice list. Each answer is related to one of the columns A-J (see below.) The answer has an internal number value that is used when calculating the result. Thus you will, by means of taking the test, become aware of desirable and undesirable traits of your personality.
The PCA test is done by filling in a questionnaire online. You have to select answers from a multiple choice list. Each answer is related to one of the columns A-J (see below.) The answer has an internal number value that is used when calculating the result. Thus you will, by means of taking the test, become aware of desirable and undesirable traits of your personality.
2016. április 25., hétfő
Seven parenting behaviors that stop children from being successful
In the course of his research, leadership expert and author of best-selling psychology books Dr. Tim Elmore has discovered several major mistakes which parents often make when raising their children, which can reduce their self-confidence from an early age and limit their chances of becoming successful in their careers and personal lives.
To help you avoid making the committing the same errors, we’ve reproduced them below. Take a look.
1. We don’t let our children experience risk
2016. április 23., szombat
30 simple ways to change your life for the better
All of us have dreamed about fundamentally changing various aspects
of our lives. For some people, this kind of unrealised longing becomes
almost habitual. What's stopping them from taking the first actual step
towards realising their desires? The problem is that sometime we just
don't know where to begin. Thankfully, it's possible to turn for help
here to well-known blogger Mark Chernoff, who suggests 30 simple steps that can really change your life for the better.
Start spending time with the right people
These are the people you enjoy, who love and appreciate you, and who encourage you to improve in healthy and exciting ways. They are the ones who make you feel more alive, and not only embrace who you are now, but also embrace and embody who you want to be, unconditionally.
2016. április 16., szombat
Ten surprisingly weird mental exercises that will make you smarter
Neurobics is the term used to describe a set of mental exercises that
give your brain a ’workout’. It involves using all five of your senses:
sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. Regular exercising stimulates the
growth of new neuronal connections in various parts of the brain,
strengthens your nerve cells and promotes the production of brain
nutrients that improve memory.
We here at Bright Side want to share these simple, yet very useful exercises with you. By doing this brain workout every morning, you will improve your physical and emotional state in no time.
We here at Bright Side want to share these simple, yet very useful exercises with you. By doing this brain workout every morning, you will improve your physical and emotional state in no time.
1. Brush your teeth with the wrong hand.
Scientific studies have shown that using the non-dominant hemisphere of your brain (which is what this exercise requires) results in rapid and significant expansion of the cortical surface area.- How to do it: simply brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand — and don’t forget to use the same hand for opening the tube and applying toothpaste as well.
2016. április 12., kedd
2016. március 19., szombat
Five ways you could be ruining your life without even realising it
Life, as we all know, is not a straight line. There’s no concrete set
of stages which every person passes through according to the same
timetable. You’re not under any obligation to finish your education,
raise a family, or start a career by a certain age. You don’t have
to get married at 25 and become an executive at 30. You’re allowed
to take a diversion, to take a break from it all, if you want
to or need to. You have every right to take the time to find out what
exactly it is that gives meaning to your life, to you
personally. It’s not surprising that we often forget about this; we were
all forced to start planning our lives when we were still sitting
in the classroom (you know what I’m talking about: ’I want to go to this university...I want this
job’). We might hate our jobs, but we still go to work every day,
because we think we have to complete the plan. We drift along, trying
to complete each step one at a time, in the belief that ticking off each
box on the list is the route to happiness. And then one morning,
we wake up feeling depressed. We feel crushed, and we don’t know why. That’s how we ruin our lives. And we do it in plenty of other ways, too.
2016. március 17., csütörtök
35 gifts which your kids will never forget
35 gifts which your kids will never forget
Written by joshua becker ·
“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” —Kahlil Gibran
I have countless holiday memories. Most of them center around faith, family, and traditions.
Very few childhood memories actually include the gifts I received. I distinctly remember the year that I got a blue dirt bike, the evening my brother and I received a Nintendo, and opening socks every year from my grandparents. But other than that, my gift-receiving memories are pretty sparse. Which got me thinking… what type of gifts can we give to our children that they will never forget? What gifts will truly impact their lives and change them forever?
Sometimes one simple word of affirmation can change an entire life. So make sure your children know how much you appreciate them. And then, remind them every chance you get. -
Hugs and kisses
You might have seen those fathers who tell their young sons that they’re too old for kisses. Doesn’t it make you upset? Know that your children are never too old to receive physical affirmation of your love for them.
2016. március 16., szerda
50 phrases we should all say to our kids
Expressing belief in your child
- ’I believe in you’
- ’I respect your decision’
- ’It won’t be easy, but I’m certain you’ll do it’
- ’You’re doing everything right’
- ’You understand this perfectly’
- ’How did you manage to do this so well?’
- ’Teach me how you do it, so I can succeed like you’
- ’You can do it better than I can’
- ’You’re better at this than me’
2016. március 15., kedd
4 Unique Ways to Let Go and Get Over Failure
Written by Marc Chernoff //
It’s a feeling of heaviness deep within you. You try to ignore it, but you can’t. Dread and discouragement gradually seep into your thoughts. Sadness and guilt soon follow, until you are completely defeated.Your failure does not define you, your determination does. Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, smarter than before.
I feel just like this when I fail.
It makes me want to curl up into a ball and cry. I feel lost and alone and I want to give up. I want to fall on my bed and bury my face in a pillow. But that doesn’t work, because the sinking feeling just follows me to sleep.
Failure is terribly painful on so many levels.
People get this idea about me, because I write and teach about success, happiness and mindful living, that I don’t ever slip up and fail miserably in these areas. But of course I’m human, so that’s not true. I fail at things much more than you might imagine, and certainly far more than I’d often like to admit.
At some point or another I fail at everything, just like you, and it feels just as horrible for me as it does for you or anyone else.
I feel letdown and guilty, and try to avoid thinking about it, and would rather hide it.
But deep down I know these negative reactions aren’t helpful. So I own up to what happened, learn a lesson or two, and then get back up and try again. The last part is the most important part – trying again…
2016. március 14., hétfő
15 clever psychological tricks which everyone should know
The following psychological tricks will make your life easier and help you cope with stressful situations. They’re well worth reading.
- When a group of people laughs, people instinctively look toward the group members they feel closest to (or want to feel closest to).
- Chew gum or eat food if you’re doing something that would normally make you feel nervous. It tricks a primal part of your brain into thinking you couldn’t be in danger because you’re eating.
2016. március 9., szerda
Women Who Do THESE 9 Things NEVER Get Played By Men
The only way to find love is to date with an open heart.
But I know what you've been through.
You’re tired of investing time and energy in the wrong men, only to end up frustrated, hurt, and empty-handed again and again. You’ve worked hard to finally find peace and a sense of happiness in your life. And there’s no way you’re going to let someone come into your life and mess it all up.
And yet … you don’t want to give up on LOVE. You want to meet the RIGHT man — someone who makes you feel challenged, inspired and adored. But you’re scared.
After everything you’ve been through, you’re not sure how to date without getting played or wasting valuable time.
How do you put yourself "out there" and open up to love, but also protect your heart and the peace you’ve worked so hard to cultivate in your life?
The answer? Openness coupled with boundaries. Yes, it's possible!
Here are 9 things you can do to make sure it’s safe to open your heart when you're dating:
The only way to find love is to date with an open heart.
But I know what you've been through.
You’re tired of investing time and energy in the wrong men, only to end up frustrated, hurt, and empty-handed again and again. You’ve worked hard to finally find peace and a sense of happiness in your life. And there’s no way you’re going to let someone come into your life and mess it all up.
And yet … you don’t want to give up on LOVE. You want to meet the RIGHT man — someone who makes you feel challenged, inspired and adored. But you’re scared.
After everything you’ve been through, you’re not sure how to date without getting played or wasting valuable time.
How do you put yourself "out there" and open up to love, but also protect your heart and the peace you’ve worked so hard to cultivate in your life?
The answer? Openness coupled with boundaries. Yes, it's possible!
Here are 9 things you can do to make sure it’s safe to open your heart when you're dating:
Simple 3-Step Process To Attract TRUE LOVE
Finding Michael had nothing to do with luck. It was my clear and full intention to attract my perfect partner and marry again.
When I was 55 years old it was difficult to believe that I could attract my soul mate but I desperately wanted to share my life with a partner.
It was hard for me to believe it was possible. I was 30 pounds overweight and had teenagers at home.
Not a great combination in my opinion. Who would ever want me?
But I knew others found true love, and I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life alone and unloved.
I decided to take myself on as a client and create a plan using the same tools I use to help my clients.
Did it work? It sure did.
But… along the way I got some surprising benefits.
When you take the time to follow these simple steps, not only will you attract your perfect partner but you’ll also fall in love with an amazing person.
When I was 55 years old it was difficult to believe that I could attract my soul mate but I desperately wanted to share my life with a partner.
It was hard for me to believe it was possible. I was 30 pounds overweight and had teenagers at home.
Not a great combination in my opinion. Who would ever want me?
But I knew others found true love, and I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life alone and unloved.
I decided to take myself on as a client and create a plan using the same tools I use to help my clients.
Did it work? It sure did.
But… along the way I got some surprising benefits.
When you take the time to follow these simple steps, not only will you attract your perfect partner but you’ll also fall in love with an amazing person.
2016. március 4., péntek
36 Questions to Bring You Closer Together
Get to know someone and create a sense of intimacy, in as little as an hour.
These questions only take about 45 minutes to discuss—and they almost always make two people feel better about each other and want to see each other again, according to social psychology researcher Arthur Aron of the Interpersonal Relationships Lab at Stony Brook University in New York, who published his results in "The Experimental Generation of Interpersonal Closeness" in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (1997).
2016. március 3., csütörtök
2016. március 2., szerda
2016. február 17., szerda
How to Evaluate Your Own Emotional Intelligence

‘What you need now is emotional intelligence,’ was what China’s new president told a graduating class last month at their top tech school.
Now Bloomberg’s Businessweek tells us that Yale’s school of management has added a test of emotional intelligence to its admissions requirements.
And how’s your emotional intelligence?
Just as for IQ, there are several theoretical models of emotional intelligence, each supported by its own set of research findings. The one I’ve proposed — which has fared well in predicting actual business performance — looks at a spectrum of EI-based leadership competencies that each helps a leader be more effective.
2016. február 13., szombat
5 Common Mental Errors That Sway You From Making Good Decisions
5 Common Mental Errors That Sway You From Making Good Decisions
For a long time, researchers and economists believed that humans made logical, well-considered decisions. In recent decades, however, researchers have uncovered a wide range of mental errors that derail our thinking. Sometimes we make logical decisions, but there are many times when we make emotional, irrational, and confusing choices.
Psychologists and behavioral researchers love to geek out about these different mental mistakes. There are dozens of them and they all have fancy names like “mere exposure effect” or “narrative fallacy.” But I don’t want to get bogged down in the scientific jargon today. Instead, let’s talk about the mental errors that show up most frequently in our lives and break them down in easy-to-understand language.
Here are five common mental errors that sway you from making good decisions.
1. Survivorship Bias.
2016. február 11., csütörtök
Which country in the world best fits your personality
Our world is big and beautiful, and there’s absolutely no reason why
you should live and die in the same corner of it where you were born.
Maybe there’s a place out there which is far more suitable for you than
your current home?
Bright Side has found a way to help you find out with this great little test.
Pack your bags!
Bright Side has found a way to help you find out with this great little test.
Pack your bags!
You are a romantic who
enjoys strolling through cobblestone streets and markets. You are
inspired by art and architecture, and thrive being surrounded by other
artists and intellectuals. You enjoy the bustle of a city, but also love
spending time in the warm countryside, sitting at a cafe, and having a
glass of wine or coffee. Your soul is nourished by being in nature, and
by having deep meaningful conversation about love, art, and the meaning
of life.
Never waste your time and energy on those who don't care about you
Never waste your time and energy on those who don't care about you
Never shift the responsibility for what’s happening in your life on others’ shoulders.
I understand that the temptation to blame somebody else is great, but have pity on yourself. You’ll find power at the moment you internally accept that you’re the author of all your failures and the creator of all your successes.
Brilliant advice on how to reset and deep clean your life
Join us:
Brilliant advice on how to reset and deep clean your life
Your life puzzle will continue to form same picture if you continue to use the same elements. It doesn’t matter how many times you try to mix them differently.
Use a reset to start a mindful formation of yourself and your new path.
Don’t achieve this by searching for new goals, declaring how you see yourself in five years, or by analyzing your mission and purpose. This whole process will be stuck in your old beliefs, which are the ones that take away a whole lot of your energy.
You should start by decluttering your life, both physically and mentally.
Uncontrolled hoarding leads to two things:
- Endless repetition of your past. Your life starts to be filled with déjà vu.
- Deceleration of life speed. It’s when you look at those who are able to do three times as much as you do and can’t wrap your mind around the fact how they manage that. Success in life and self-actualization in all spears of life is only possible at full speed.
2016. február 10., szerda
Curiosity killed the cat - wanna, gonna, ain't
Hey, how you're doin'? how are you?
I'm sorry you couldn't get through
'Cause this is a message that's been recorded because
Especially for you
And if you leave a name and your number
We'll get right back to you
You can leave a message now if you want to
When the bleeps are through
I sure wish you'd hurry home
I think I'm lost and I wanna be found want to
Feels like I'm wondering round nowhere land
All I'm after is to see your sunshine smile and laughter
I feel like calling you, feel like some contact
I feel like phonin', but I can't get through
Hey, how you're doin'?
I'm sorry you couldn't get through not available
'Cause this is a message that's been recorded
Especially for you
And if you leave a name and a number
We'll get back right to you
You can leave a message now if you want to
When the bleeps are through
(Isn't that as well so wrong, wrong, wrong)
I'm trapped in a timelock zone
Gonna have to face this on my own I'm going to
Still gonna wonder round that nowhere land
gotta = have got to = have to :)
I gotta go - I have got to go - I've got to go - mennem kell
I gotta (got to) go my own way - A saját utamat kell járnom.
ain't - tagadószó: do not, is not, are not
How to improve your listening?
2016. február 4., csütörtök
How To Be More Patient With Your Kids (OR anyone)
Didn’t you already ask them to clean their room… twice? Yet it is still a mess? It can be easy to lose your temper with your kids when things like this happen. I get it. After all… I’m a mom, too.
Yelling, arguing, angry looks … all things that happen when we lose our patience. It isn’t the way that I want my children to remember me or the way that I want them to parent their own children one day.
Today we are talking about how to be more patient with our kids:
2016. február 3., szerda
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