2020. szeptember 8., kedd
About child prodigy - Fame can be tiring
2020. szeptember 4., péntek
2020. április 28., kedd
Runners and Coronavirus
Runners and Coronavirus – level 1
27-04-2020 15:00
People like to run outside. However, they are afraid of the coronavirus. People do not know if it is safe to run outside.
Health experts think that running outside is safe. Experts recommend people to be careful and responsible. People must stay at home if they do not feel good. It is important to wear a face mask if there are a lot of other people outside. The mask helps stop the virus.
The risk that runners get the coronavirus from each other is small. The wind around people moves when they run. The wind takes the virus away.
Experts say that the sun kills the coronavirus. It is safer to be outside when it is sunny.
Difficult words: recommend (to say a good idea to do something), careful (when someone does not want to make a mistake), responsible (when someone thinks of the risks that can happen), risk (how possible something good or bad can happen).
You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.
2020. április 27., hétfő
Discussion - Best way to learn English
Six native speakers of English share the best way to learn their language.
Tom / United Kingdom
The best way to learn English is go and live in an English country, take English lessons and get lots of English friends. Failing that, you just have to put in a lot a time and a lot of practice.
The best way to learn English is go and live in an English country, take English lessons and get lots of English friends. Failing that, you just have to put in a lot a time and a lot of practice.
Baráti levél nyelvvizsgán
Itt van néhány hasznos kifejezés és mondat, amit fel tudsz használni, ha baráti hangvételű levelet szeretnél írni:
Hogyan kezdjük el...
Thanks for your letter.- Köszönöm a leveled.
It was wonderful to hear from you again.- Csodás, hogy újra hallok felőled.
I'm sorry I haven't written before, but I've been very busy.- Elnézést, hogy nem írtam korábban, de nagyon elfoglalt voltam.
Köszönetet kifejező levél
I'm just writing to thank you for ...- Csak azért írok, hogy megköszönjem a ...
Thanks very much for ...- Nagyon köszönöm, hogy ...
It was very kind of you to ...- Nagyon kedves volt tőled, hogy ...
Hogyan kezdjük el...
Thanks for your letter.- Köszönöm a leveled.
It was wonderful to hear from you again.- Csodás, hogy újra hallok felőled.
I'm sorry I haven't written before, but I've been very busy.- Elnézést, hogy nem írtam korábban, de nagyon elfoglalt voltam.
Köszönetet kifejező levél
I'm just writing to thank you for ...- Csak azért írok, hogy megköszönjem a ...
Thanks very much for ...- Nagyon köszönöm, hogy ...
It was very kind of you to ...- Nagyon kedves volt tőled, hogy ...
2020. április 24., péntek
2020. április 23., csütörtök
2020. április 22., szerda
2020. április 21., kedd
Levélírás a gyakorlatban - érettségi középszint - B1 szint
Nézzük meg az egyik legtöbb gyakorlást kívánó feladatot, az
Két feladatot kell megoldani, a rendelkezésre álló idő 60 perc. Az első
feladat rövidebb, csak 15 percet szánj a megoldására a gyakorlás közben.
Nem azért, hogy kapkodj, hanem azért, mert hajlamos az ember kicsit
elszöszmötölni. Ha kevés idő áll a rendelkezésedre, legalább
összeszedettebb vaqy.
Task A During your stay in London you have decided to see the following exhibition. You would like your friend Jane to go with you. Every Friday evening from 6pm-9pm until November 29 youcan see our `Wildlife Photographer of the Year` exhibition at the Natural History Museum.
Task A During your stay in London you have decided to see the following exhibition. You would like your friend Jane to go with you. Every Friday evening from 6pm-9pm until November 29 youcan see our `Wildlife Photographer of the Year` exhibition at the Natural History Museum.
érettségi feladatsorok,
2020. április 17., péntek
What makes you smile? - Draw it!
Happiness - RAJZOLD le a saját ötleted!
What makes you smile?
Ever sat down and made a list of what things there are to be happy about?
Send us some of yours here and we’ll illustrate them. We currently add a new illustration every few hours to our Facebook page and to Instagram. Our Happiness poster is downloadable here.
THE BOOK IS NOW OUT! 500 OF OUR BEST ILLUSTRATIONS. Take a peek in the archive to see the first 200 we illustrated, as well as some others from late 2013 and early 2014. The best place to see the most recent images is on Facebook.
Do you like Happiness?
RAJZOLD le a saját ötleted! - Draw your own idea!
Forrás: - jobbra - balra pörgesd a képekért :-)
What makes you smile?
Ever sat down and made a list of what things there are to be happy about?
Send us some of yours here and we’ll illustrate them. We currently add a new illustration every few hours to our Facebook page and to Instagram. Our Happiness poster is downloadable here.
THE BOOK IS NOW OUT! 500 OF OUR BEST ILLUSTRATIONS. Take a peek in the archive to see the first 200 we illustrated, as well as some others from late 2013 and early 2014. The best place to see the most recent images is on Facebook.
Do you like Happiness?
RAJZOLD le a saját ötleted! - Draw your own idea!
Forrás: - jobbra - balra pörgesd a képekért :-)
how to be happy,
2020. április 7., kedd
Hogyan zoomoljunk?
Zoom első használata, regisztáció facebookal
Zoom letöltése a Google Playről telefonra, Zoom használata android (iOS)
Zoom letöltése a Google Playről telefonra, Zoom használata android (iOS)
webinars - zoom
Video conferencing, virtual meetings, virtual classrooms are on the rise and Zoom is a desktop-based app that makes having virtual meetings a lot easier.
2020. március 31., kedd
2020. március 2., hétfő
2020. február 6., csütörtök
2020. február 1., szombat
Intelligence Job Skills Everyone Will Need in the Next Few Years
These are the skills we can take into the future- no matter what we do.
By Lolly DaskalPresident and CEO, Lead From Within@LollyDaskal
Two-Thirds of Americans believe that in 50 years robots and computers will do much of the work humans do today. Already, many jobs that once seemed safe bets are at risk: office workers, administrative staff, manufacturing workers and even lawyers.
Two-Thirds of Americans believe that in 50 years robots and computers will do much of the work humans do today. Already, many jobs that once seemed safe bets are at risk: office workers, administrative staff, manufacturing workers and even lawyers.
What is EQ? 13 things emotionally intelligent people do
In 1995 psychologist and science journalist Daniel Goleman published a book introducing most of the world to the nascent concept of emotional intelligence. The idea--that an ability to understand and manage emotions greatly increases our chances of success--quickly took off, and it went on to greatly influence the way people think about emotions and human behavior.
But what does emotional intelligence look like, as manifested in everyday life? For the past two years, I've explored that question in researching my forthcoming book, EQ, Applied. In doing so, I've identified a number of actions that illustrate how emotional intelligence appears in the real world.
Here are 13 of them:
In 1995 psychologist and science journalist Daniel Goleman published a book introducing most of the world to the nascent concept of emotional intelligence. The idea--that an ability to understand and manage emotions greatly increases our chances of success--quickly took off, and it went on to greatly influence the way people think about emotions and human behavior.
But what does emotional intelligence look like, as manifested in everyday life? For the past two years, I've explored that question in researching my forthcoming book, EQ, Applied. In doing so, I've identified a number of actions that illustrate how emotional intelligence appears in the real world.
Here are 13 of them:
2020. január 31., péntek
Personal characteristics
1. Tétel - Personal characteristics - Az egyén
• describing character and personality
• the ideal man and woman
• fashion, trends
• beauty care, cosmetics
“Handsome is as handsome does” – I think it’s true but not completely. Mainly in business life clothes bespeak quite a lot. Your appearance have to be natural but pretty. Your clothes and make-up show your character and your personality. After that your speech tells your intelligence. If you’re shy and you haven’t self-confidence your clothes will be low-key and not colourful. But if you’re cool and you’re full of confidence your clothes will be colourful and trendy.
2020. január 18., szombat
Bejegyzések (Atom)