2022. március 26., szombat

Job traits

 Nemsokára indulnak a kommunikációs - beszédértés - beszédkészség egyéni tréningek! Jelentkezz be időben! Link jobb oldalon!

2022. március 23., szerda

Tell me something about yourself! - Inroduction


Why do you learn English?


10 Reasons to Learn English

1. English is a global language

English is the most commonly spoken language in the world. One out of five people can speak or at least understand English!

Interesting & useful



Why is it good to have a pet?

While a recent study conducted by the ASPCA found that 35% of US households have a cat and a 44% have a dog, the decision to get a pet takes a lot of consideration. You will need to consider what kind of animal will best fit your lifestyle. Making a choice based on you level of commitment should give you a good idea of what type of pet will best fit into your lifestyle and priorities. Although  there is not one perfect pet for everyone, there are many reasons why you should have a pet.

2022. március 21., hétfő

A Generation Gap?

 A Generation Gap?

  • Lack Of Understanding. ...
  • Mistakes Are Rarely Tolerated. ...
  • Children Are Expected To Be Replicas Parents often have dreams for their kids, and a lot of the time tends to force them in that direction without taking into consideration what their child wants.
  • Too Many Comparisons. ...
  • Not Enough Interaction.

2022. március 14., hétfő

What makes a good teacher?

I can’t offer any empirical answers to that question, but I do know that personality was a key factor. Perhaps we can measure effectiveness in the classroom, to some extent, but how do we really determine quality? 

My hope is that, even if this list is somewhat subjective — not to mention incomplete — it won’t seem entirely unfamiliar.
They are good-natured. The best teachers tend to be approachable, as opposed to sour and forbidding. Grouchy, short-tempered, misanthropic curmudgeons can sometimes make effective teachers, too, if for no other reason than that they prepare us for grouchy, short-tempered, misanthropic bosses. I had some grouchy teachers myself, especially in graduate school, and learning to cope with them was a valuable experience I would not wish to deny anyone. But most of my very best teachers were pretty easy to get along with — as long as I paid attention in class and did my work.

Friends - What is an ideal friend like?

The Ideal Friend

There are many valuable things in life, but friendships are important to all cultures. Adults and children, especially teenagers, play a huge role in everyday lives since many are role models. These role models influence a change in one's life such as a best friend. A best friend is a close bond with someone that is unbreakable but knows you inside and out, without a doubt of going to the ends of the world for you. The ideal friend would have the following qualities: being loyal, honest, kind, and respectful.

Courage - Bravery against Bullying

Winston Churchill once said, “Courage is what it takes to stand up; Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” We should never be afraid of what others think of our opinions. If we have the courage to speak up, others will listen. Pearl Thusi, Priyanka Chopra, and my father were courageous in many ways. Physical and social courage is shown in these three people.

What is it like to be courageous? To be courageous, a person has to be able to face their fears, go through difficulties, and pain. Having courage also means being brave by taking risks for somebody else even if it could lead to something bad. In the “Merriam-Webster Dictionary,” the definition is “having the moral strength to withstand danger, fear, and/or difficulty.” For example, courage is the ability to have guts like not being afraid of doing anything. As well as a person doing something for the first time without any help or speaking in front of a big audience is very courageous. This is courageous because this person is facing their fears even when they're afraid of speaking in front of large crowds. Sometimes we have to be brave and take some risks in life to get out there to better our future. If a person keeps having confidence then sooner or later, everything will start to look different. It can be the littlest things that show a person they are courageous; it doesn’t always have to be something big.

Why I Deserve this Scholarship

 I am going to be awarded this scholarship by simply talking about my life. I believe I deserve this scholarship because I have a dedication to education and I also plan to be the first person in my family to graduate from a four-year university. I am also constantly trying to improve the lives of those around me by volunteering and taking on leadership positions.

Stereotypes and how they affect our lives

 Stereotypes and how they affect and individual's experiences in life

Stereotypes are an official representation of a community. That’s an obvious lie, but stereotypes are a concept that are seen as the unofficial yet official view of a certain community. Stereotypes are a complex yet simple concept that can either reinforce or dismantle someone’s view on another individual. Specifically, cultural stereotypes that are broadcasted on a basis. In a sense, cultural stereotyping can negatively affect the individual experience by minimizing their value, which then leads to how they’re viewed by society, and how they’re treated.

Money makes the world go round - Money is a means to an end

Money makes the world go round

Money is an essential element of society. Money is not just a word or a need to a human being. It is the wheel over which we as humans are living our life. To understand the importance of money, first of all, we need to see what does money stands for in economics. Before that, we need to see what is the purpose of money. Even if we need to buy bread in the car, the house, the foreign trip or if we need to finance our education, everything is done using the money. Money is the most valuable asset which is required in order to buy or even ret any good, commodity, or service (Brewer, J. 2002).

2022. március 13., vasárnap


Információ kérés / érdeklődés (asking for information)
  • Excuse me,
  • Can / Could you help me?
  • I hope you don’t mind my asking?
  • I would like to know….?
  • I would like to inquire about…?
  • Do you happen to know ……?
Tanács kérése (asking for advice)
  • What do you think I should do?
  • Can you give me some advice on/about…?
  • What would you do if you were in my place?
  • Do you have any good advice?

2022. március 10., csütörtök


A beszédfunkciók listája azokat a kommunikációs szándékokat foglalja össze, amelyek B1, illetve B2 szinten a vizsgázóktól elvárható. C1 szinten a beszédfunkciók köre nem bővül tovább. A B2 és C1 szint közötti különbség a nyelvi megvalósítás minőségében mutatkozik meg.
Beszédfunkció Példa

B1, B2

leírás: dolgok, személyek megnevezése, leírása, összehasonlítása He is my best friend. He is very helpful. He has more money than me.

elbeszélés When I was a child I often went camping with my friends. We enjoyed living in …

információkérés (kérdés) What’s this?

válaszadás (What’s this?) It’s a book.

a válaszadás elutasítása (What’s this?) Sorry, I have no idea.

válaszadás indoklással (ok / cél megnevezésével) (What’s this?) Sorry, I have no idea. I haven’t seen such a thing before.

2022. március 5., szombat

Why English is so hard

 We'll begin with box, and the plural is boxes;

But the plural of ox should be oxen, not oxes.

Then one fowl is goose, but two are called geese,
Yet the plural of moose should never be meese.

You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice,
Yet the plural of house is houses, not hice.

Hire me! - 8 unusual interview questions to find out who you really are

Sometimes the questions that 
tell you the most about 
a candidate are the ones 
that are only loosely related, 
or not related at all, 
to the job advertized. 
Just like the following eight.

1. What is your favorite restaurant?
What does my favorite food have to do with the job? Quite a lot, actually. Food is a very important part of our culture. In addition to having the required expertise and experience, it is also important for the candidate to be able to build good personal relationships with his or her colleagues. Companies tend to hire people who perfectly fit within the local culture.