’Do I have any talents?’ ’What if I’m not doing what’s right for me?’ ’What if I’m calling in life is completely different?’ questions of this kind run through the minds of thousands of people around the world regardless of their age.
If you’re one of those people, maybe it’s time to take a break and work out who it is you really are. It might sound difficult — and it is — but think about it logically and you’ll realise that the more you put it off, the longer you’ll be stuck in the same cycle of doubt and confusion about where you’re going in life.
To help you, here is a step-by-step guide to help you discover where your true talents lie.
Step 1: Recall all of your dreams
The first thing which you need to do is recall all of the real dreams you’ve had throughout your life — right back to childhood through to your school and college years, and finally as an adult. Write them down.Step 2: Separate ’to have’ and ’to be’
Now that you’ve written down all your dreams, you need to separate them into two categories:’To have’ dreams: those which involve you gaining posession of something you don’t have right now.
’To be’ dreams: those which involve you taking on some new role in life.
Now write out the ’to be’ dreams separately — we’re only going to work with them.