I've written several times in the past about the qualities and elements that successful people share, but I think perhaps the most important is their ability to get past excuses.
So many people in life get hung up on excuses -- feeling they can't go out for the better job, start their own business, or take whatever risk because of... whatever it might be.
Excuses are like noses, we all have one. But when you can train yourself to see these flimsy ideas for what they are, and stop treating them as a brick wall in your path, you can move past them towards your own success.
Here are just a few of the excuses I hear most often -- whether from individuals about their own dreams or executives about their company's direction.
1. I don't have the money.
I've heard this at every level, from the bloke who has an idea to start his own business all the way up to the mega-corporations I've consulted with. The point is, you can make this excuse whether you've got one dollar or one million.