2017. május 25., csütörtök

Useful Expressions - Hiánypótló fordításhoz

At all costs - and at any cost  Fig. regardless of the difficulty or cost; no matter what. I intend to have that car at all costs. Mary was going to get that job at any cost. - bármi áron
At somebody’s expense - Paid for by someone: the document was printed at the taxpayer’s expense valakinek a költségén

Be a pain in the neck -  to be very annoying My little sister won't leave me alone. She's a real pain in the neck. - púp a hátamon
Be bored out of one's mind - Extremely bored. Csak nézek ki a fejemből. Unatkozom.
Be on the alert - watchful and attentive for someone or something.
Be out of breath - breathing fast and hard; gasping for breath. (*Typically: be ~; get ~.) I ran so much that I got out of breath. Mary gets out of wind when she climbs stairs. Elfogy a levegő.

Be out of sy’s mind -   Fig. to be silly and senseless; to be crazy and irrational. (*Typically: be ~; go ~.) Why did you do that? You must be out of your mind! Don't drive so fast, Tom! You have to be out of your head! -  Elment az eszed?

Be pressed for time - In a hurry; under time pressure. - Nyakamon az idő.

Be scared stiff - extremely frightened Jill awoke from a dream that left her afraid - scared stiff, in fact.

Be welcome to do sg - This is a way to offer something to someone:You're welcome to use my car if you need to go anywhere. 
Bear it in mind - remember, don't forget it, tartsd észben

Beat about the bush - Ne kerülgesd a forró kását, - to avoid talking about a difficult or embarrassing subject because you are worried about upsetting the person you are talking to (usually negative) Don't beat around the bush. Just tell me where my brother is. There is no point in beating about the bush. I'm leaving you.

Better safe then sorry - Prov. Cliché You should be cautious—if you are not, you may regret it. It may be time-consuming to check the oil in your car every time you buy gasoline, but better safe than sorry. Bob: I don't need a tetanus shot just because I stepped on a nail. Mary: I still think you should get one. Better be safe than sorry. - Inkább félni, mint megijedni.

Bite off more than one can chew -Take on more work or a bigger task than one can handle, as in With two additional jobs, Bill is clearly biting off more than he can chew. - Nagyot akar a szarka, de nem bírja a farka.

Can’t be bothered to do sg- Be unwilling to make the effort needed to do something: they couldn’t be bothered to look it up   - venni a fáradságot

Come into being - to begin existence. This idea came into being during the last decade. When did this organization come into being?  - létrejön

Come into force - érvénybe lép
Come to one’s senses - to begin thinking sensibly.
Come up to expectations - to be as good as someone expected. -megfelelni az elvárásoknak
Cross one’s mind - to occur suddenly to one: A disturbing thought crossed her mind. - átfutott az agyamon

Don’t count your chicken -(before they're hatched).Something that you say in order to warn someone to wait until a good thing they are expecting has really happened before they make any plans about it You might be able to get a loan from the bank, but don't count your chickens. - Ne igyál előre a medve bőrére.
Draw attention to sy/sg - felhívja vki figyelmét vmire
Do your best - tedd meg, ami csak tőlek telik
Feel under the weather - depressed, depis :-(
Fulfil the requirements -perform, execute, reach, accomplish
Get into the habit of doing sg - rászoktat
Get it over with - finish, accomplish

Get rid of sg/sy  - megszabadulni valamitől, valakitől
Get on sy’s nerves - annoying
Get out of hand - it cannot be controlled any more
Get sg off your chest - tell someone about something that has been worrying you I sometimes discuss my problems with someone else just to get them off my chest.

Get stuck - be unable to move further; "The car bogged down in the sand"

Get the picture - understand, recognize, imagine, get the meaning of something; "Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?

Get to the point - reach, Fig. to arrive at a discussion or explanation of the purpose of something. Please get to the point of all this. Will you kindly get to the point?

Give sy a hand - help

Give me a ring - give me a call, make a phone call

Go back on one’s word - and go back on one's promise; go back on one's pledge
to break a promise that one has made. I hate to go back on my word, but I won't pay you $100 afterall. Going back on your promise makes you a liar.

Go off the point - beside or off the point - Irrelevant: Eliot’s arguments are wholly beside the point


Have a word with sy - szót váltani
Have butterflies in sy’s stomach - izgulni pl. vizsga előtt
Have pins and needles in one’s arm/leg - tűkön ül
Have the situation over control - uralja a helyzetet
Hit the nail on the head - feje tetejére állítva
How come - Hogy lehet az, hogy

I must be off - szabira/el kell mennem
If the worst comes to the worst - a legvégső és legrosszabb esetben
In the heat of the moment - a pillanat hevében
In the long run - hosszú távon
In the nick of time - just in time, at the last moment, a legutolsó pillanatban, épp időben
Ins and outs - csínját-bínját tudni
It goes without saying - obvious, nyilvánvaló
It serves sy right - megérdemlik, az ő hibájuk
It’s my treat - én állom, I would like to pay for something
It’s too much of hassle -   1. An argument or a fight. 2. Trouble; bother. To argue or fight: customers hassling with ...

Jump down sy’s throat -  torkának ugrani
Just to be on the safe side - a biztonság kedvéért

(I'll) Keep my finger crossed - izgulok érted
Keep an eye on sg/sy - szememet rajta(d) tartom
Keep sy company - együtt van valakivel, elkísér, szórakoztat valakit
Keep up the pretence - fenntartani a látszatot

Leave me in peace - leave me alone - hagyj békén
Lose one’s temper - elveszti a nyugalmát
Lose the thread - elveszti a fonalat
(Don't) Make a fuss - (NE) csinálj hűhót
Make a scene - jelenetet csinál
Make faces - pofákat vág
Make yourself at home - érezd magad otthon
Make the most of sg - jól kiaknázza, kihozza a legtöbbet
Man in the street - average people, az utca embere
Meet demands - követelményeket/igényeket támasztani 

(At last but) not at least - (végül, de ) nem utoljára
Not in the least - egyáltalán nem
Not to feel up to it - nem érzi alkalmasnak magát

Feel like (doing) - kedvem van ... I don't feel like dancing. Nincs kedvem táncolni.

On an empty stomach - üres hassal, éhgyomorra
On the spur of the moment - he made up his mind suddenly
Once in a while - very rarely
Once in a blue moon -  very rarely
Out of the blue - happening suddenly and unexpectedly Then one day, completely out of the blue, I had a letter from her. The attack came out of a clear blue sky.

Pull yourself together - Szedd össze magad
Pull sy’s leg - megviccel
Pull strings - mozgatja a szálakat, manipulál
Put it right - to correct something, kijavítani
Put one’s finger on sg - To remember; recall: I know his name; I just can't put my finger on it.

Raise objections about sg - kifogást hoz fel
Rumour has it (that) -azt csiripelik a madarak, rossznyelvek szerint, pletykálják, hogy... 
Run short of sg - fogyóban van
Run out of sg - kifogyni valamiből

Slip of the tongue - nyelvbotlás

Take advantage of sg - kihasználni, 
Take into account - számításba/tekintetbe venni
Take into consideration - figyelembe venni
Take it with a pinch of salt - to listen to a story or an explanation with considerable doubt.
Take my word for it - szavamat adom
Take the trouble to do sg - venni a fáradságot, hogy megtegyem...
That rings a bell - rémlik
That’ll do - megteszi, jó lesz
That’s more like it - na ez már jobban tetszik
That’s not my cup of tea - nem az én asztalom
The last straw - az utolsó szalmaszál
There’s a lot at stake - sok forog kockán
Think better of sg - többre tart valamit
Toe the line - kötélnek áll, startvonalhoz áll

We’ll cross the bridge when we come to it - nem aggódunk előre
We’re all in the same boat - ugyanabban a csónakban evezünk/cipőben járunk
What's up? What have you been up to? - hogy vagy? Mizujs?  it is usually a conversation starter that means what have you done today.
With regard to sg - tekintettel valamire

You must be kidding - you must be joking (most ugratsz? tutira viccelsz, ugye?)


or simply - google searching


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