2016. április 25., hétfő

Seven parenting behaviors that stop children from being successful

In the course of his research, leadership expert and author of best-selling psychology books Dr. Tim Elmore has discovered several major mistakes which parents often make when raising their children, which can reduce their self-confidence from an early age and limit their chances of becoming successful in their careers and personal lives.
To help you avoid making the committing the same errors, we’ve reproduced them below. Take a look.

1. We don’t let our children experience risk

2016. április 23., szombat

30 simple ways to change your life for the better


All of us have dreamed about fundamentally changing various aspects of our lives. For some people, this kind of unrealised longing becomes almost habitual. What's stopping them from taking the first actual step towards realising their desires? The problem is that sometime we just don't know where to begin. Thankfully, it's possible to turn for help here to well-known blogger Mark Chernoff, who suggests 30 simple steps that can really change your life for the better.

  1. Start spending time with the right people
    These are the people you enjoy, who love and appreciate you, and who encourage you to improve in healthy and exciting ways. They are the ones who make you feel more alive, and not only embrace who you are now, but also embrace and embody who you want to be, unconditionally.

2016. április 16., szombat

Ten surprisingly weird mental exercises that will make you smarter

Neurobics is the term used to describe a set of mental exercises that give your brain a ’workout’. It involves using all five of your senses: sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. Regular exercising stimulates the growth of new neuronal connections in various parts of the brain, strengthens your nerve cells and promotes the production of brain nutrients that improve memory.
We here at Bright Side want to share these simple, yet very useful exercises with you. By doing this brain workout every morning, you will improve your physical and emotional state in no time.

1. Brush your teeth with the wrong hand.

Scientific studies have shown that using the non-dominant hemisphere of your brain (which is what this exercise requires) results in rapid and significant expansion of the cortical surface area.
  • How to do it: simply brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand — and don’t forget to use the same hand for opening the tube and applying toothpaste as well.

2016. április 12., kedd

Let's start - Job interview


Common questions are: