2017. november 29., szerda

Up in the air


Lifehack - 8 Questions to Ask Yourself to Help You Declutter

8 Questions to Ask Yourself to Help You Declutter

Stop making excuses and clean up the clutter in your home! It'll make you feel better and make your living space look better as well! Ask yourself these questions and get rid of your items based on your answers. And when we say dispose of your clutter, we mean either sell it, donate it, recycle it, give it away to friends and family, or throw it away.

1. Have I used this in the last year?

If your answer is no, it's time to toss.

2. If I were shopping right now, would I buy this?

If the current you wouldn't buy this item now, why would you even keep it?

Egy kis nyelvtan


2017. november 4., szombat

Idioms and phrases

Amikor magyarról angolra szeretnénk fordítani valami nem szokványosat, lent a link, ahol találtok segítséget:

Most megfogtál mondta az ezredes. -You have me there, the Colonel said.
Most megfogtál, szép hercegem. -You got me there, beautiful.
Ó, most megfogtál! -Ah, you have me.
Most megfogtál. -You got me.


Congratulations, you are a grammar master! You have a superb understanding of even the trickiest grammar rules. Not only do you know the difference between affect and effect, but you also never confuse your tenses. You must be an English scholar because only 4% of Americans can get a perfect score on this test.
