2018. július 17., kedd

Ted videos - How to kill our dreams



0:11 I dedicated the past two years to understanding how people achieve their dreams. When we think about the dreams we have, and the dent we want to leave in the universe, it is striking to see how big of an overlap there is between the dreams that we have and projects that never happen. (Laughter) So I'm here to talk to you today about five ways how not to follow your dreams.

2018. július 2., hétfő

Hero habits: Clear communication

Waffling is for waffles – when you want something done, use straight talk.
I used to worry about hurting people’s feelings with my words. Then I got old and curmudgeonry and all bets were off. 
It’s not that I’m insensitive. I think I’m as sensitive as any man who likes Bruce Willis movies and good sushi. It’s not about that.
It’s just that I’ve learned unclear language gets unclear results. Clear communication does.

Change your words + 2 videos

How to be happy? - Inner space

Boost Happiness in Three Steps

Real life isn’t all rainbows and kittens, but real happiness is always available, even in tough times.
Amy Covington/Stocksy

2018. július 1., vasárnap

Focus --> Self-care

What makes your day?

What do you need?