2014. szeptember 19., péntek

Ne ordíts, fordíts!

2393) Ask him for a watch for your birthday.
2394) It is 5 hours GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
2395) Let's meet at 6 o'clock.
2396) With us, in Csepel Workers' Home, one lesson is 45 minutes.
2397) They are good at singing.
2398) She is good at languages.


Szótáram létrehozása

101 fontos kifejezés

Kötőszavak - amik igazán lényegesek

A banán esete az igeidőkkel

Present Perfect Continuous Tense
He has been eating a banana for 5 minutes.
Már öt perce banánt eszik.
He has been eating a banana since 8 o’clock this morning.
Reggel 8 óra óta banánt eszik.
GO - He has been going to school for 10 minutes.
TAKE- He's been taking the bus since 8.

Present Perfect Tense
Have you eaten the banana yet? Megetted már a banánt?
I have already eaten the banana. Már megettem a banánt.
I haven’t eaten the banana yet. Még nem ettem meg a banánt.
Drink - She has already drunk the water.
Do - Have you done your homework yet?

2014. szeptember 13., szombat

The Giver - Az emlékek őre

Egy tökéletes jövőben, ahol nincs háború, fájdalom, szenvedés, az ifjú Jonas is megkapja életre szóló feladatát a vének tanácsától. A mentorával töltött idő alatt azonban ráébred, hogy mekkora árat kell fizetnie mindenkinek ezért a színtelen békéért. Az emlékek ifjú őre letér a kijelölt ösvényről és a szabályokat felrúgva azt teszi, amiről azt gondolja, hogy helyes.

This film, based on Lois Lowry's book, tells the story of a perfect world. Everyone here is happy. When Jonas is 12 years old, he's chosen to be the community's Receiver of Memories. He enters into training with an old man called The Giver. From the Giver, Jonas learns about pain, sadness, war, and all the unhappy truths of the "real" world. He quickly realizes that his community is fake. Confronted with this reality, Jonas faces difficult choices about his own life and his future.

Parents need to know that Lois Lowry earned the Newbery Medal for The Giver, the first of a four-part series that examines a flawed utopian society. The novel has a disturbing scene in which Jonas witnesses his father euthanizing a baby by injecting it with a needle in the head. There are also mild sexual references. But the overall story is riveting -- and the book is one of the most thought-provoking novels for children ever written.

How can you tell if someone is lying to you?

A lot of people will look to the left or right and not look right at you. Also, they might have facial twitches. They might also not look you in the eyes. May go red in the face. May move from foot to foot or even go into another room to avoid answering. Some will question you about something else trying to throw you off track.

Will not look you in the eyes or the eyes will become blank or dart side to side. May go red in the face. May move from foot to foot or even go into another room to avoid answering. Some will question you about something else trying to throw you off track.  Answer After taking hundreds of depositions and preparing clients for trial testimony, the easiest way to tell when someone is lying is how much they elaborate when answering simple questions. For example, when a "yes" or "no" is sufficient, the person will keep going, and going, and going.

The more a person adds to an explanation or answer the more you can be certain they are being less than truthful and/or just plain "full of it".