2016. november 27., vasárnap

2016. november 25., péntek

Stressless - less stress - Mindfulness

"Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present." - 
Bil Keane


 According to Harvard, mindfulness also:
  • relieves stress;
  • relieves depression;
  • relieves anxiety;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • improve chronic pain
  • improve sleep;
  • improves capacity to deal with stress;
  • improves ability to form deeper connections with others.
According to the University of Massachusetts Medical School Center for Mindfulness, mindfulness can also help to:

2016. november 22., kedd

how to be happy

"üldözz" elérhető célokat
1. Pursue Achievable Goals

Mosolyod legyen őszinte és hiteles
2. Keep Genuine Smiles 

2016. november 5., szombat

7 habits of highly effective people

People Who Achieve What They Want In Life

People Who Achieve What They Want In Life Have These Two Qualities In Common

You can achieve whatever you want, as long as you are willing to pay the price.”~Elvin Semrad
If you could do or be anything in the world, what would it be? For some people, it would be to be a famous singer, musician, film or television star, writer, or a high profile professional athlete. Others desire simpler things such as to get out of debt, retire early or own and operate a business. Whatever your lifelong dream is, it IS possible–no matter how remote that possibility is. How do I know? Because others have done it.