2017. augusztus 24., csütörtök

2017. augusztus 15., kedd

Intelligent trees

Trees talk, know family ties and care for their young? Is this too fantastic to be true? German forester Peter Wohlleben ('The Hidden Life of Trees') and scientist Suzanne Simard (The University of British Columbia, Canada) have been observing and investigating the communication between trees over decades. And their findings are most astounding. 
Intelligent Trees from Dorcon Film on Vimeo.

Trees are so much more than rows of wood waiting  to be turned into furniture, buildings or firewood. They are more than organisms producing oxygen or cleaning the air for us. They are individual beings that have feelings, know friendship have a common language and look after each other. This documentary explores the various ways that trees communicate with each other- from a forester's observations as well as through the microscope of a scientist.

If the themes of harmony, connection, and collaboration between humans and trees in the movie Avatar inspired you, stand by. That fiction was inspired in part by real life trees... And scientists, as it turns out. But there's more. Much more. And it has global implications for us all (Rachel Clark, "Smart Trees teach via new Film and Bestselling Book", Psychology Today).
Together, Wohlleben and Simard are a tree dream team (Melissa Breyer, "Trees can form bonds like an old couple and look after each other ", Treehugger.com).


2017. augusztus 13., vasárnap

What Color is Your True Personality?

Dr. Carol Ritberger, a world-famous behavioral psychologist, and author, believes there are four distinct personality types in the world. These are symbolized by the colors red, orange, yellow, and green.

Understanding one’s personality is necessary for making important life decisions like what to pursue for a future career or what makes one passionate. By understanding one’s key personality traits, it is easier to understand one’s self and what makes him or her tick.

Knowing your personality and yourself is key to a happy, fulfilling life.


Do you agree with its description? Let us know in the comments below!

What Colour is Your True Personality?


What Are The 5 Things That Are Most Beautiful About You?


2017. augusztus 8., kedd

How to change your negative thoughts

Change your thinking - survival growth mindset

The average person has 65,000 thoughts per day. Up to 95% of these are the same thoughts as yesterday. That’s a lot of thoughts – and every single thought means an associated change in mood. So if you think something positive, you feel better and if you think something negative… you feel worse.
Many famous people throughout history have spoken on the importance of thoughts and how they can affect us and our lives. Mahatma Gandhi said:
A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes.  

What influences our thoughts?  

2017. augusztus 1., kedd


Csak röviden az önéletrajzírásról:

- minden céghez másféle önéletrajzot írj és a pályázott álláshoz illő képességeidre fektesd a hangsúlyt!
- a fotó ne legyen túl harsány, túl színes, túl nevetős, ha csatolsz (nem szükséges)
- 20 másodperced van arra, hogy megfogd a felvételiztető figyelmét: emeld ki a fontosabb képességeidet, feladataidat, céljaidat, az egész legyen jól elrendezett, átlátható, 1 oldalon férjen el, indokolt esetben 2 oldal
- Ha szülségét érzed, zárhatod ezzel a mondattal: References are available upon request - és akkor gyűjtsd is össze őket, névvel, telefonnal, külön lapon (ne küldd el).
- használj többféle szótárt a szakszavak fordításához, oldalt belinkeltem pár jót. Ha nem találsz egy szót, kifejezést, gondolkozz szinonimákban.