2015. március 15., vasárnap

addiction, recycling, fashion

Függőség, újrahasznosítás, divatőrületek

A tételben szereplő témák:
 - homeopathy
 - alcohol
 - addictive
 - recycle
 - fads
 - ...


Examiner:     Good morning!  Take a seat, please.
How are you feeling at the moment?
How did you feel this morning when you woke up?
What will you miss most now that you’re leaving school?
Would you stay one more year?  Why (not)?

Now I’m going to ask you a few questions.  If you can’t understand me, I can repeat the question once.  Let’s get started.

Is alcohol addictive? What about tea, coffee, and chocolate?
I don’t drink too much alcohol, so I don’t know for sure, but I think it can only be addictive if you drink loads of it, so in a high dose.  I mean I know there are people who are alcoholics and that’s an addiction so probably if you take more that a certain amount then it does become addictive.  And I have heard of people who are addicted to coffee, too.  Tea and chocolate?  No, I don’t think so.

Should there be punishments for using drugs?  What about dealing?
Well, that’s a very difficult question to answer…  Okay, I think dealing should definitely be punished, even if we’re talking about small amounts.  I’m not so sure about using drugs.  I mean, I don’t think sending someone to prison will help – it might actually make the situation worse.  Maybe compulsory treatment or something like that would be a good idea.

Should women be prevented legally from drinking any alcohol or smoking when pregnant?
Definitely!  I always get really annoyed when I see a pregnant woman or a mum with a very small child smoking a cigarette.  Babies cannot protect themselves, and the thought of being a victim to passive smoking even before you are born…  I think it’s just horrible.  Maybe if you can’t stop smoking while you are pregnant then you are not ready to be a parent yet?

Do we use too many prescription drugs?
Not in my family.  My mum doesn’t really like medicine, especially antibiotics.  So when I’m ill and go to see a doctor I usually give her a ring as I’m on my way to the pharmacy, tell her what prescriptions I got, and she almost always tell me to forget about the antibiotics and only get the vitamins or painkillers and the like.  But I know some people who take some pill if their has been hurting for two minutes.

Are natural remedies like homeopathy and herbal medicine drugs too?
In my opinion, these alternative methods only work with people who believe in them – but they always work with them!  So I guess it’s like a placebo effect, you know, you think you are going to feel better from taking some drops or drinking some tea, and then you really are.  I personally don’t really believe in any of these remedies, so it probably wouldn’t work for me.

I see.  Now let’s move on to the next topic, which is the environment.

Do you think people should recycle newspapers? Why or why not?
I think recycling is really important, because there is less and less raw material around, and the supplies are running out, and one day there will be no more paper if we don’t recycle.  I don’t think that newspapers are somehow special with regard to this – actually, I think not that many people read newspapers nowadays.  But in Berlin, for example, I remember there were separate bins for paper in places like railway stations and bus tops.  That would be nice in Hungary too.

Do you usually drink bottled water? Why or Why not?
We used to, but not any more.  A couple years ago my parents decided not to buy bottled water any longer.  We always bought still water, that’s really not that different from tap water.  So now I only buy it occasionally, a smaller bottle in the school or when I’m walking in town.

Who do you think is more responsible for pollution, individual people or the government? Explain.
I actually think it’s companies that have been doing the most to pollute the environment.  Of course people create pollution too, and I’m sure governments could pass stricter laws, but I think primarily it is companies that cause the biggest damage to the environment, in the hope of higher profits maybe.  I don’t really know how that could be changed though.

Should gas for motorists be more expensive?
Why not?  If petrol was more expensive, then more people would use public transport to save money, and that would be better for the environment.  Or people might start carpooling, when more than one person uses a car, so you wouldn’t see so many solo drivers in the street.  And the money from this tax should be spent on environment protection.

If you live on an island or on the coast does this increase the danger from global warming? Why?
Yes it does, because if more and more ice melts in the North Pole for instance, then sea levels are going to rise.  So the sea will “come out to the shore” in a way, so people whose houses stand on the coast will be in danger.  I think it’s scary when you hear that parts of Holland might disappear within a few years.

Well, I see.  Now, let’s change the topic.  We’re going to talk about fads and trends.

Do you pay attention to fads?
Not really.  I mean I like to know what’s trendy at the moment, but it doesn’t mean I’m going to follow that fashion.  So you know, when everyone had emo hair a couple years ago, I knew it was cool, but didn’t go and get an emo haircut.

Could you list some trends from your high school years?
Let’s see…  Converse trainers is definitely a big thing, it has been for a couple years.  I think it’s really strange when you see a girl wearing some very nice top, kind of smart even, and some trousers, not jeans, let’s say grey linen trousers, and then yellow Converse shoes!  But they are very comfortable, and they do look good – I have a pair too.

Why do you think people pay attention to fads?
I think everyone wants to be trendy.  Maybe partly it’s about belonging to a community, so if you’re wearing the same thing as other people in your town then you don’t feel lonely, even if you’re single or something.  And people get bored with their old clothes really quickly, so new trends give them a good excuse to get rid of some of them

What portion of the general population do you think creates or follows fads?
Well, obviously not everyone can afford to follow fads.  And it probably doesn’t matter that much after a certain age.  I don’t want to be rude here or anything, I just think people’s priorities change and after a while looking good or keeping up with trends is not so important any more.  So I guess it’s mostly young middle class people, but I have no idea how many per cent that would be.

If you wanted to start a trend, how would you go about it?
I don’t know.  I would probably try to find some celebrity who liked my product and use them to advertise the new trend.  I think publicity is important, so I would probably look for some inexpensive ways of advertising, the Internet maybe?  Or social sites like facebook and iwiw?  Somehow get people to talk about the product, and then if it’s good then it will soon find its way to potential customers.

Thank you, that’s the end of the first part of the test.


Now look at this situation.  You can study the sheet for half a minute.  When you are ready, start a conversation with me.  I am your friend.

Your friend is planning his/her summer holiday.  He/She really wants to go to Montenegro, but cannot decide whether to go on a package tour or just travel through the country with his/her backpack.  Help him/her choose, considering the following:

 price
 flexibility
 access to hidden places
 opportunity to take great pictures

- So you’re going to Montenegro!  That’s very exciting.
- Yes, it is, isn’t it?  But I can’t decide whether to join a group or just go by myself.
- Well, that’s a difficult decision.  Have you every travelled alone?
- Yes, and I loved it, but that was within Hungary.
- I see.  I think the main problem with travelling alone is that it often turns out to be moiré expensive than a package tour.  I guess travel agencies get a discount for bringing so many people and they can do great deals with hotels and restaurant and the like.  If you’re alone, you’re likely to pay more.
- Yes but I can go wherever I want to go.
- That’s true.  But on the other hand, you might not have access to places where they let in groups, like national parks and the like.  Or you might get in, but it would be a much more memorable experience with a group and an experienced guide.
- I suppose you are right.
- Also, the leaders of package tours are really experienced, so they always take you to places where you can take the bests shots from.  And although you’re not your own boss, I think overall it’s better to go on an organized trip.
- I think you have convinced me.  Thanks for your advice.
- No problem.

Thank you, that’s the end of the second part of the test.

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