2015. szeptember 10., csütörtök

Without FEAR

3. Write a List of Every Single Thing You Are Afraid Of. Do Them All.

Scared to ask people out on dates? Go to the mall and ask out every single person you see all day long. They’re just people, not vampires. Usually. You’ll be over your fear by probably the 10th rejection or so. Here’s a good pick up line that I just made up ... “Excuse me, do you happen to have directions to Build-A-Bear? My compass is broken. As a matter of fact, I’m building this for a little homeless child that the government is ignoring for some reason. Maybe you should definitely help me build it. C’mon.” Then just grab their hand and walk them to the store. Trust me, this will work. I’ve got a good feeling about it.

Scared of heights? Go bungee jump at the county fair. You have a better chance of getting shot by gang members at that fair than a tragic jump.

Scared of public speaking? Join Toastmasters.

Scared of reading the very very best, most entertaining yet highly educational articles on the Internet? You’re facing that fear right this second! Congratulations!

It wasn’t until I was well into my adult years that I realized I was still scared to fight. I was rich, happy and healthy, but I decided I needed to face my biggest fear … fighting.

So I did what any abnormal personal would do in that situation… I paid a professional UFC fighter to beat me up on a regular basis—literally. I told him if I wasn’t bleeding or bruised significantly at the end of each session, I would stop paying him.

I got black eyes at least once a week. I got a broken nose that leans to the left now. I got broken ribs. I got beat up so bad that I literally cried like a baby one time—in front of people.
But I also got courage.

The cool thing about courage is that if you gain it in one area, it trickles over into every other area of your life. Ever since I learned how to pretty much kill a man with my bare hands, things like “speaking in front of people” have gotten a lot easier.

“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” –Muhammad Ali

Preston Ely


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