2016. március 9., szerda

Simple 3-Step Process To Attract TRUE LOVE

By Wendy Merron, Coach and Board Certified Hypnotherapist
Against all odds, I attracted my true love at age 55

Finding Michael had nothing to do with luck. It was my clear and full intention to attract my perfect partner and marry again.
When I was 55 years old it was difficult to believe that I could attract my soul mate but I desperately wanted to share my life with a partner.
It was hard for me to believe it was possible. I was 30 pounds overweight and had teenagers at home.
Not a great combination in my opinion. Who would ever want me?
But I knew others found true love, and I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life alone and unloved.
I decided to take myself on as a client and create a plan using the same tools I use to help my clients.
Did it work? It sure did.
But… along the way I got some surprising benefits.
When you take the time to follow these simple steps, not only will you attract your perfect partner but you’ll also fall in love with an amazing person.

After my first marriage ended, I was in shock.
Frankly, I didn’t think I could ever trust a man again - for so many reasons.
During my first “coffee date” I wondered whether my date was telling the truth about himself - so much that I vowed to hire a detective before my next date.
I hated feeling this way. I knew I had to get over it.
Because I knew distrust was just one in a long list of limiting beliefs that would hold me back from attracting the love I wanted.
Some others were:
I'm too old
I'm too fat
All the good ones are taken
I'm not good enough
Any of these familiar?
To help you move forward, follow these simple instructions:Take a piece of paper and fold it in half the long way.
On the left side write down all the thoughts and worries you have about attracting your perfect partner. Be honest! Write whatever comes into your mind - no editing please!
This is your list of beliefs.
These are the beliefs that will get in the way of attracting your perfect partner.
They are also the limiting beliefs you have about yourself.

The truth is, the beliefs you have about yourself and attracting your perfect partner will either serve to help you achieve your goals, or they will get in the way.
There are lots of ways to get over the doubts you have about yourself and your life. Hypnotherapy and EFT Tapping are among two of the effective ways we help our clients.
Another effective way is to use Powerful Thinking.
Because I wrote the book on Powerful Thinking, (surprisingly called Powerful Thinking On Purpose :) ), I feel qualified to show you this simple way to overcome your beliefs.
Here’s the short version:
Go back to your list of thoughts.
On the right side of the paper, write down the opposite of the sentence on the left.
For example if your thought is:  I’m too old to attract a partner
Then on the right side write:  I like the idea I am just the right age to attract my perfect partner.
If your thought is:  I’m too heavy to attract my perfect partner,
Then on the other side write: I like the idea I am perfect right now and can attract my perfect partner.
These are the new thoughts and beliefs that will help you achieve your goal of attracting your soul mate.
They are also the new thoughts that will help you change the way you feel about yourself.
The old thoughts on the left side? They’ll never help you feel good about yourself.
Thinking of those will make you’ll feel inadequate, less than, and never ever good enough.
Take your new thoughts and repeat them ten times in the morning, ten times in the evening, and as often as possible throughout the day.
Doing this will help you start the process of creating new believable thoughts.
This is a powerful first step towards adopting new beliefs about yourself.
When we think about our goals, we tend to stop short of the true feelings we want in our lives.
For example, my goal wasn't to get married. My true goal was to be happily married for the rest of my life to my perfect partner, feeling wonderful every day.
For example, if you are looking for a job, getting the job isn't the end result. It's enjoying a great career, and years later still enjoying it.
 Future Visualization - the Secret Sauce
 This is the fun part.
 As often as possible take a few minutes to visualize your end result.
 I imagine myself at a beautiful beach. The sun feels lovely on my skin. The rhythmic sound of the ocean soothes me.
 My husband comes up behind me and puts his hands on my shoulder. He whispers how much he loves me. I feel safe, secure, and loved.
 I imagine us walking hand in hand along the shore, feeling grateful and blessed that we have each other.
 As I continued to work on these techniques the results surprised me.
 I actually became happier with myself - and more content.
 The big surprise?
Attracting my true love only happened AFTER I felt good about myself!
I was no longer attached to finding a partner who made me happy because I realized that I could feel happy all on my own.
I even fell in love with an amazing person - me!
That's when Michael walked into my life.


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