2015. október 30., péntek

To Do for Fun Printable List

To Do for Fun Printable List

Back in February, I realized that I’d become pretty consumed with crossing things off my to-do list. Laundry was getting done. Meals were planned. Floors were mopped. Dust bunnies were trapped and released into the wild.
Things were cooking along pretty good, but I noticed that I we were in a rut. A rut that didn’t include much in the way of FUN.
So, I whipped up another kind of to-do list.
A To-Do for Fun list.

Eight prompts and a few everyday reminders that I use to help me break out of the laundry/bed-making/dish scrubbing/floor sweeping whirlwind.
I fill this list out each week and slap it on my fridge. It encourages us to get out, try new things, tackle new projects, and think of other people in our life.

On Sunday, I usually peruse my Pinterest boards and fill out my To Do for Fun list. My girl helps pick out crafts, recipes, and we talk about our upcoming week. You can download the full size PDF here. 
Now, it’s important to me that I paint an accurate picture of my experience with this list. 
Lest you mistake me for a supermom that has now gleefully tacked an additional eight to-do’s onto an already long list. I’m not. 
I use this as inspiration—as a tool to help me think of something easy and fun to do when the day is taking a downhill turn or when I want to focus all my energy on my girl while the baby naps.
I have never…not once…done everything on the weekly list.
I have hit two birds with one stone and made Bunny Bait (make a treat) and distributed it among family and friends (do something for someone else).
One week, our “do/learn something new” was to teach the baby to wave bye-bye.
For three weeks straight “go to the library” was our “go somewhere”. We never went.
But have had a lot of fun, tried out some new recipes, and turned the music on a whole lot more. This has been a wonderful little tool and I thought it would be fun to share.
Creative Commons License
Printables by Juliann Law for Today’s Mama is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://www.faboolous.blogspot.com/.

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read more: http://todaysmama.com/2012/04/to-do-for-fun-printable-list/

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