2013. október 6., vasárnap

Spoken English - Attitudes

Approving, accepting - elfogadás, helyeslés, jóváhagyás:

I approve of the plan, entirely.
I'm in favour of it. I'm all for it.
I'm pleased you have at last come to your senses.


You shouldn't drive so recklessly/ careless. (Your father doesn't approve of it. And it's wrong and dangerous, either/too.)

Blaming someone: -mást hibáztatva

The accident was the other driver's fault. She should have been more alert. (Be alert - légy óvatos, éber!)

Complaining - panasz-tevés:

I'm afraid I want to make a complaint about the service. I'm sorry to have to say this, but these rooms just won't do!
Your rudeness is really is the limit
You are always late. (Really!) I'va just about had enough.

Apologies bocsánatkérés:

I'm really/ very/ extremly sorry. I do apologise.
Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry. (After sneezing, coughing...)

+ That's OK. That's all right.
Please don't be.
It doesn't really matter at all.
So you should be. (unforgiving)

Beeing pleased and annoyed:
I've been accepted to the university.
+ That's marvellous/ wonderful/ great!
  Super! Smashing! Terrific!

- Hey, that's / awful / terrible / horrible / tremendous! (- borzasztó)
 What a nuisance!
How irritating!
Oh, damn!

Likes and dislikes:

Do you like this hat?
What did you think of him?

+ Your house is great/ nice/ lovely!
I like / love / enjoy / adore eating out. That's my favourite restaurant.

- I don't like / dislike / hate getting up early.
I can't bear / I can't stand disco music.
I'm fed up with listening to you moaning.

Wishing and hoping:

I'd like to love to live in the country.
I wish the weather was nicer.
I'm dying for a cuppa.
I'm dying to see you and have a good chat.
I hope I haven't caused you inconvenience.
Let's hope the better.


Which (one) would you like /prefer?

Do you prefer milk or cream in your coffe?

I'd rather not see anybody just now.
I usually prefer reading TO atching TV.

No preference:
It doesn' matter whwn you do it as long as it's done by tomorrow.
I don't mind / I dont care   one way or the other.
The choice is yours. It's up to you. I'll leave it to you( to decide, to arrange, to sort it out).

Showing surprise, interest:
I'm going to pack my job and go on a world tour.
Are you really?
Well, I never! My goodness! Good heavens!

I'm very keen on Guns N Roses.
Oh, really? They're good, arent they?

Regret -megbánás:

I'm sorry to say / I regret to say we're going to miss the bus.
I regret not having seen the film.
What a pity! Shame! This dress doesn't suit you! (nem illik hozzád)
Unfortunately, I won't be here when you come.

Worry - aggódás

What's the matter? What's wrong?
Is anything wrong / the matter?

I'm terribly worried about him. He should be home by now.
I'm very anxcious about my oral exam.
I'm very concerned about not being able to meet the deadline date.

Don't worry. Everything will turn out fine.
There's nothing to worry about that. Winnie will be just fine.
It's no use crying.
It is worth considering (take the facts into consideration) and thinking it over.

(Instant) Relief: 
Oh, what a relief.
Oh, thanks goodness for that.
Boy, I'm glad.

Could you imagine? Would have you imagined?

Comfort and inspire sy - vígasztalni, inspirálni
Don't mind!
Take it easy!
Dont worry, be happy. Be cheerful. Nothing will change if you are sad. Moreover, you will be confused and won't be able to make a decision and listen to your common sense. Give a trial / Have a try new things! No matter if you fail. Just be consistent and be loyal to yourself!

Everything changes. Anything may occur. I have got something to do. Nothing happens by chance/accidently.

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